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8 <pname>BeagleDrone IMU Cape</pname>
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16 <body>- Power regulation for system 5V from RC battery input.
18 - 4 servo inputs and 8 outputs.
20 - 2 3.3V TTL UART connectors with 5V power (FTDI cable compatible) for GPS and telemetry.
22 - AVR micro for servo control.
24 - UART and reset control of AVR for firmware updates.
26 - 3 axis magnetometer, gyro, and accelerometer plus barometer.
28 - AVR and all sensors are on I2C2 bus. Connector for external I2C device such as current/voltage sensor.
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35 <homepage>http://andicelabs.com/beagledrone/</homepage>
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38 <http_host>beagleboard.org</http_host>
40 <shortdesc>The BeagleDrone is an IMU cape for the BeagleBone. It provides power regulation, sensors, servo control, and the IO necessary to connect optional external modules such as GPS, current sensors, radio telemetry link, etc. The near-term software plan is to port the Paparazzi auto-pilot to it.</shortdesc>
41 <user>ron.battles@andicelabs.com</user>