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11 <registrant>mathieu.fregeau@gmail.com</registrant>
12 <pname>wifi radio alarm clock</pname>
13 <user>mathieu.fregeau@gmail.com</user>
14 <body><p>Starting from an existing simple alarm clock FM radio, scavenge the hardware (casing, clock display, button, perhaps power supply) and implement a wifi radio, keeping the feature of the clock with alarm, but replacing the FM radio with wifi radio, adding a little LCD to display station and user option and a rotary for station selection. Idea is to keep the product as a simple bedside device (alarm clock) and not a mini-color tv full-blown computer next to the bed.</p></body>
17 <render_skin>project</render_skin>
18 <shortdesc>Offer clock, alarm, snooze, wifi connection, wifi radio, and radio station playlist. Possibly integrating podcast as well.</shortdesc>