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14 <body><meta itemprop="name" content="BeagleBone Cape Plug-in Board Design Contest">
15 <meta property="og:image" itemprop="image" content="http://beagleboard.org/static/images/15630_beaglebone_design_contest_336x280st.gif">
16 <link itemprop="url" href="http://beagleboard.org/CapeContest">
17 <meta itemprop="description" content="Win $1000 and your cape design in production. Entry deadline: December 31st">
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48 <a href="http://beagleboard.org/CapeContest/winners">
49 <div class="style1">
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53 <table width="920px" style="float:left;" class="style5" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="7">
55 <td valign="top" style="border-style: solid; width:303px; " class="style4">
56 <h3 class="style2">How to Enter</h3>
57 <ol><li><strong>Submit an original cape design. Minimum
58 requirements: </strong>
60 <li>Schematic layout (including reference designators
61 and an extractable net-list)</li>
62 <li>Bill of Materials not to exceed $60 (in XLS format; noting reference designators and manufacturer part numbers)</li>
63 </ul></li>
64 <li><strong>Upload your project to an online file sharing site (ex:
66 <a href="https://drive.google.com/"><strong>Google Drive</strong></a><strong>,
68 <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/"><strong>Github</strong></a><strong>), set it for public view.
69 </strong> </li>
70 <li><strong>Record a video describing your cape idea and upload it
71 to </strong> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/">
72 <strong>YouTube</strong></a><strong>.
73 Get creative!</strong></li>
74 <li><strong>Follow the link above to complete your BeagleBone Cape Design Contest entry.</strong></li>
78 <td valign="top" style="border-style: solid; border-color: black; width:304px; " class="style6">
79 <h3 class="style2">Key Dates</h3>
81 <li><strong>Submission:</strong>
82 <time itemprop="startDate" datetime="2012-11-1T11:59-0700">11/1/12</time>
84 <time itemprop="endDate" datetime="2012-12-31T11:59-0700">12/31/12</time><br>
87 <li><strong>Judging:</strong> 1/7/13 - 1/31/13</li>
88 <li><strong>Winners announced:</strong> 2/1/13</li>
90 <h3 class="style2">Judging/Voting</h3>
91 <p class="style7">On 1/7/13, a completed entries page will go
92 live listing all the submitted entries that meet the
93 minimum requirements.</p>
94 <p class="style7">A judging panel led by
95 Jason Kridner, Gerald Coley
96 and others from TI and CircuitCo will decide the three
97 cape winners.</p>
98 <p class="style9">
99 <a href="http://beagleboard.org/CapeContest/entries">
100 <img alt="View Entries" src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8375/8364976107_0627a60dfb_m.jpg" width="200" height="48"></a></p>
101 <p class="style7">Google +1, Facebook Likes and tweets can show real-time support
102 for designs during the judging period, so get everyone you know to +1, Like
103 & tweet your design!</p>
106 <td valign="top" style="border-style: solid; border-color: black; width:303px; " class="style6">
107 <h3 class="style2">Grand Prize:</h3>
108 <p><strong>Three (3) winning designs:</strong></p>
110 <li>Will be prototyped, manufactured and sold through CircuitCo Electronics</li>
111 <li>Get $500 from Texas Instruments</li>
112 <li>Get $500 from Mouser</li>
113 <li>Receive their choice of one of the following tools from Total Phase:<ul>
114 <li>Beagle USB 480 Protocol Analyzer</li>
115 <li>I2C/SPI Kit</li>
116 <li>CAN/I2C Kit</li>
120 <h3 class="style2">Weekly Prizes:</h3>
121 <p><span class="style7">A weekly trivia contest will be posted here, winner will be
122 randomly selected from all correct entries and will receive
123 one of the following prizes:</span><br>
124 <strong>Tools from Total Phase<br>
125 ProtoCapes from AdaFruit<br>
126 MetaWatches from Mouser</strong></p>
136 <div class="style1"><a href="http://beagleboard.org/CapeContest/sponsors" title="Meet the sponsors"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8343/8226735789_cfe5e0208d_b.jpg" width="800" height="110" alt="Meet the sponsors"></a>
137 </div><br>
139 <h3>Contest Guidelines</h3>
141 <li>You must be 18 years or older.</li>
142 <li>Entries must have a minimum of a schematic capture and
143 bill of materials hosted on file sharing site (ex:
144 <a href="https://drive.google.com/">Google Drive</a>,
145 <a href="https://github.com/">Github</a>).</li>
146 <li>The BOM cost cannot exceed $60.</li>
147 <li>A video of your design uploaded to
148 <a href="http://www.youtube.com/">YouTube</a>.</li>
149 <li>Entries remain the property of the submitter with rights
150 to manufacture and sell granted to CircuitCo.</li>
151 <li>Sponsor employees and immediate family are not eligible.</li>
152 <li>Winners will be notified by email of their winning entry.</li>
153 <li>The top three winners will be announced
154 on BeagleBoard.org and through other media outlets.
156 <li>Teams can enter, but each team should designate only one representative per entry who receives that prize should that team win.</li>
159 <p>For full Contest Guidelines, visit
160 <a href="http://beagleboard.org/CapeContest/legal">BeagleBone
161 Cape Contest Official Rules</a></p>
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