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7 <updatetime type="date">08.06.2009 05:07:13 CDT</updatetime>
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11 <registrant>horse-dung.myopenid.com</registrant>
12 <pname>USB Scope</pname>
13 <user>horse-dung.myopenid.com</user>
14 <body>USB Scope can snoop, compare and modify USB traffic which can assist both commercial and open source development of drivers and diagnosis of issues.
16 Other ideas will be examined such as a USB-TCP/IP-USB proxy to remotely connect USB devices. Open or free software equivalents exist, but hardware monitoring devices only exist as expensive commercial products.</body>
19 <render_skin>project</render_skin>
20 <shortdesc>This project uses the BeagleBoard as a USB proxy between any USB device (connected to the EHCI port) and any host computer (connected to the OTG port).</shortdesc>