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15 <div id='side-menu' class="t3_sidebar">
16 <ul class="left-menu"><strong>Navigation</strong>
17 <li><a href="/Support/BoneScript/menu/">Menu contents</a></li>
20 <div class="t3_content_1"><div id='connect-status'></div><div id="content_child">
21 <h1>BoneScript Library</h1>
22 <p>BoneScript is a <a href="http://nodejs.org" class="External">Node.js</a> library specifically
23 optimized for the Beagle family
24 and featuring familiar Arduino function calls, exported to the browser. Get
25 started exploring the BoneScript Library to discover the great simplicity
26 that is made possible by utilizing Linux.</p>
27 <h2>References</h2>
28 <h3>Web-based learning</h3>
30 <li><a href="http://www.nodejs.org/docs/v0.8.22/api/" class="external">Node.JS API reference</a></li>
31 <li><a href="http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp" class="external">W3Schools JavaScript tutorial</a></li>
32 <li><a href="http://khanacademy.org/cs/programming" class="external">Khan Academy</a></li>
34 <h3>Books</h3>
36 <li><a href="/bad-to-the-bone">Bad to the Bone: Crafting Electronics Systems
37 with BeagleBone and BeagleBone Black</a> (<a
38 href="http://www.amazon.com/dp/1627051376/?tag=bloghanerhead-20" Class="external">Amazon</a>)</li>
39 <li><a href="http://www.amazon.com/dp/1449345379/?tag=bloghanerhead-20"
40 Class="external">Getting Started with BeagleBone</a></li>
41 <li><a href="http://www.amazon.com/dp/1449398588/?tag=bloghanerhead-20"
42 Class="external">Node: Up and Running</a></li>
45 <h2 id="functions">Functions</h2>
46 <p>The BoneScript library provides several functions useful for interacting
47 with your hardware. Browse the menu to the left for examples to get you
50 <h2 id="javascript">JavaScript</h2>
51 <p>Performing physical computing tasks in JavaScript is a rather different than
52 C on microcontrollers. JavaScript and the
53 Node.JS interpreter like to do everything asynchronously using callbacks.
54 An event loop runs waiting on whatever the next
55 system-blocking event is, such as waiting for a keypress or a file
56 load to complete. The callbacks are then executed
57 to completion before other event handlers are run.
59 <h3 id="timers">Timers</h3>
60 <p>Timing operations in JavaScript are provided by setting timers with
61 callback event handlers. A nice overview of
62 JavaScript timers can be found on <a
63 href="http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_timing.asp" target="_blank"
64 class="external">www.w3schools.com</a>.</p>
66 <li>var timer = setTimeout(callback, milliseconds)</li>
67 <li>clearTimeout(timer)</li>
68 <li>var timer = setInterval(callback, milliseconds)</li>
69 <li>clearInterval(timer)</li>
71 <h3 id="libraries">Libraries</h3>
72 <p>The BoneScript Library runs in Node.JS. You can run it
73 directly on the board using the 'node' interpreter or the Cloud9 IDE that
74 invokes the 'node' interpreter. You can
75 also run it using the <a href="/bonescript.js">bonescript.js</a> script
76 within your browser via remote procedure calls
77 using Socket.io and served up by the web server running on your Beagle.</p>
78 <p id="require">Access to the library functions is provided through the
79 "require('bonescript')" function call. The
80 call returns an object containing all of the functions and constants
81 exported by the library. The Node.JS API documentation
82 on <a href="http://www.nodejs.org/docs/v0.8.22/api/modules.html"
83 target="_blank" class="External">modules</a> provides more information on the usage
84 of 'require' within the 'node' interpreter.</p>
85 <h3>Other JavaScript topics</h3>
86 <p id="console">The Chrome browser has a rather nice JavaScript debugger you
87 can use to examine your code. You might
88 also get good benefit out of 'console.log()'.</p>
89 <p id="typeof">Because JavaScript is dynamically typed, you might find the
90 'typeof operator' rather useful to determine
91 the type of a variable at run-time. A nice overview of the JavaScript typeof
92 operator can be found at
93 <a target="_blank"
94 href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/typeof"
95 class="external">
96 developer.mozilla.org</a>.</p>
99 <h3>Resources</h3>
100 <a id="console"></a>
101 <a id="typeof"></a>
102 <p>To learn more about Cloud9 IDE and to synchronize the software on your board
103 with cloud-hosted services, see
104 <a target="_blank" href="http://c9.io">www.c9.io</a>.</p>
105 <p>For more information on Node.JS, the JavaScript interpreter, see <a
106 target="_blank" href="http://nodejs.org" class="external">www.nodejs.org</a>.
107 You can find the api documentation
108 at <a target="_blank" href="http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.8.22/api"
109 class="external">www.nodejs.org/docs/v0.8.22/api</a>.
111 <p>The source code for BoneScript is hosted at
112 <a href="https://github.com/jadonk/bonescript">Github.com/jadonk/bonescript</a>.</p>
114 </div></div><div style="clear: both;"></div></body>
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