doc: integer points in the fundamental parallelepiped of simple cone
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1 \section{Implementation details}
3 \subsection{The integer points in the fundamental parallelepiped of a simple cone}
5 This section is based on \shortciteN[Lemma 5.1]{Barvinok1992volume} and
6 \shortciteN{Koeppe2006experiments}.
8 \sindex{simple}{cone}
9 \sindex{open}{facet}
10 \sindex{open}{ray}
11 \sindex{explicit}{representation}
12 In this section we will deal exclusively with \ai{simple cone}s,
13 i.e. $d$-dimensional cones with $d$ extremal rays and $d$ facets.
14 \index{open facet}%
15 Some of the facets of these cones may be open.
16 Since we will mostly be dealing with cones in their
17 \ai{explicit representation}, we will have occasion to speak of
18 ``\ai{open ray}s'', by which we will mean that the facet not
19 containing the ray is open. (There is only one such facet because the cone
20 is simple.)
22 \sindex{fundamental}{parallelepiped}
23 \begin{definition}[Fundamental parallelepiped]
24 Let $K = \vec v + \poshull \lb\, \vec u_i \,\rb$ be
25 a closed (shifted) cone, then the \defindex{fundamental parallelepiped} $\Pi$
26 of $K$ is
28 \Pi = \vec v +
29 \lb\, \sum_i \alpha_i \vec u_i \mid 0 \leq \alpha_i < 1 \,\rb
32 If some of the rays $\vec u_i$ of $K$ are open, then the constraints on
33 the corresponding coefficient $\alpha_i$ are such that $0 < \alpha_i \le 1$.
34 \end{definition}
36 \begin{lemma}[Integer points in the fundamental parallelepiped of a simple cone]
37 Let $K = \vec v + \poshull \lb\, \vec u_i \,\rb$ be a closed simple cone
38 and let $A$ be the matrix with the generators $\vec u_i$ of $K$
39 as rows.
40 Furthermore let $V A W^{-1} = S = \diag \vec s$ be the \indac{SNF} of $A$.
41 Then the integer points in the fundamental parallelepiped of $K$ are given
43 \begin{eqnarray}
44 \label{eq:parallelepiped}
45 \vec w^\T & = & \vec v^\T + \fractional{(\vec k^\T W - \vec v^\T) A^{-1}} A
47 \nonumber
48 & = &
49 \vec v^T +
50 \sum_{i=1}^d
51 \fractional{\sps{\sum_{j=1}^d k_j \vec w^T_j - \vec v^\T}{\vec u^*_i}} \vec u_i,
52 \end{eqnarray}
53 where $\vec u^*_i$ are the columns of $A^{-1}$ and $k_j \in \ZZ$ ranges
54 over $0 \le k_j < s_j$.
55 \end{lemma}
57 \begin{proof}
58 Since $0 \le \fractional{x} < 1$, it is clear that each such $\vec w$
59 lies inside the fundamental parallelepiped.
60 Furthermore,
61 \begin{eqnarray*}
62 \vec w^\T & = & \vec v^\T + \fractional{(\vec k^\T W - \vec v^\T) A^{-1}} A
64 & = &
65 \vec v^T +
66 \left(
67 (\vec k^\T W - \vec v^\T) A^{-1} - \floor{(\vec k^\T W - \vec v^\T) A^{-1}}
68 \right) A
70 & = &
71 \underbrace{\vec k^\T W\mathstrut}_{\in \ZZ^{1\times d}}
73 \underbrace{\floor{(\vec k^\T W - \vec v^\T) A^{-1}}}_{\in \ZZ^{1\times d}}
74 \underbrace{A\mathstrut}_{\in \ZZ^{d\times d}} \in \ZZ^{1\times d}.
75 \end{eqnarray*}
76 Finally, if two such $\vec w$ are equal, i.e., $\vec w_1 = \vec w_2$,
77 then
78 \begin{eqnarray*}
79 \vec 0^\T = \vec w_1^\T - \vec w_2^\T
80 & = & \vec k_1^\T W - \vec k_2^\T W + \vec p^\T A
82 & = & \left(\vec k_1^\T - \vec k_2^\T \right) W + \vec p^\T V^{-1} S W,
83 \end{eqnarray*}
84 with $\vec p \in \ZZ^d$,
85 or $\vec k_1 \equiv \vec k_2 \mod \vec s$, i.e., $\vec k_1 = \vec k_2$.
86 Since $\det S = \det A$, we obtain all points in the fundamental parallelepiped
87 by taking all $\vec k \in \ZZ^d$ satisfying $0 \le k_j < s_j$.
88 \end{proof}
90 If the cone $K$ is not closed then the coefficients of the open rays
91 should be in $(0,1]$ rather than in $[0,1)$.
92 In (\ref{eq:parallelepiped}),
93 we therefore need to replace the fractional part $\fractional{x} = x - \floor{x}$
94 by $\cractional{x} = x - \ceil{x-1}$ for the open rays.
96 \begin{figure}
97 \intercol=1.2cm
98 \begin{xy}
99 <\intercol,0pt>:<0pt,\intercol>::
100 \POS@i@={(0,-3),(0,0),(4,2),(4,-3)},{0*[grey]\xypolyline{*}}
101 \POS@i@={(0,-3),(0,0),(4,2)},{0*[|(2)]\xypolyline{}}
102 \POS(-1,0)\ar(4.5,0)
103 \POS(0,-3)\ar(0,3)
104 \POS(0,0)\ar@[|(3)](0,-1)
105 \POS(0,0)\ar@[|(3)](2,1)
106 \POS(0,-1)\ar@{--}@[|(2)](2,0)
107 \POS(2,1)\ar@{--}@[|(2)](2,0)
108 \POS(0,0)*{\bullet}
109 \POS(1,0)*{\bullet}
110 \end{xy}
111 \caption{The integer points in the fundamental parallelepiped of $K$}
112 \label{f:parallelepiped}
113 \end{figure}
115 \begin{example}
116 Let $K$ be the cone
118 K = \sm{0 \\ 0} + \poshull \lb\, \sm{2 \\ 1}, \sm{0 \\ -1} \,\rb
121 shown in Figure~\ref{f:parallelepiped}.
122 Then
124 A = \sm{2 & 1\\0 & -1} \qquad A^{-1} = \sm{1/2 & 1/2 \\ 0 & -1 }
128 \sm{1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 } \sm{2 & 1\\0 & -1} = \sm{1 & 0 \\ 0 & 2} \sm{2 & 1 \\ 1 & 0}.
130 We have $\det A = \det S = 2$ and
131 $\vec k_1^\T = \sm{0 & 0}$ and $\vec k_2^\T = \sm{0 & 1}$.
132 Therefore,
134 \vec w_1^\T = \fractional{\sm{0 & 0} \sm{2 & 1 \\ 1 & 0} \sm{1/2 & 1/2 \\ 0 & -1 }}
135 \sm{2 & 1\\0 & -1} = \sm{0 & 0}
138 \begin{eqnarray*}
139 \vec w_2^\T & = &
140 \fractional{\sm{0 & 1} \sm{2 & 1 \\ 1 & 0} \sm{1/2 & 1/2 \\ 0 & -1 }}
141 \sm{2 & 1\\0 & -1}
143 & = &
144 \sm{1/2 & 1/2} \sm{2 & 1\\0 & -1} = \sm{1 & 0}.
145 \end{eqnarray*}
146 \end{example}