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[barvinok.git] / doc / barvinok.bib
1 @string(ICPS = "ICPS, Universit\'e Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, France")
3 @techreport{ Wilde1993,
4 author = "D. K. Wilde",
5 title = "A Library for doing polyhedral operations",
6 number = "785",
7 institution = "IRISA, Rennes, France",
8 pages = "45 p.",
9 year = 1993,
10 url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/wilde93library.html",
11 note = "\\http://www.irisa.fr/EXTERNE/bibli/pi/pi785.html"
14 @article{ Loechner97parameterized,
15 author = "Vincent Loechner and Doran K. Wilde",
16 title = "Parameterized Polyhedra and Their Vertices",
17 journal = "International Journal of Parallel Programming",
18 volume = "25",
19 number = "6",
20 pages = "525--549",
21 year = "1997",
22 month = dec,
23 publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
24 url = "citeseer.nj.nec.com/article/loechner95parameterized.html" }
26 @TechReport{ Loechner1999,
27 author = "Vincent Loechner",
28 month = mar,
29 year = 1999,
30 title = "PolyLib: A Library for Manipulating Parameterized Polyhedra",
31 institution = ICPS,
34 @article{ Clauss1998parametric,
35 author = "Clauss, Philippe and Loechner, Vincent",
36 title = "Parametric analysis of polyhedral iteration spaces",
37 journal = "Journal of {VLSI} Signal Processing",
38 publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston",
39 year = "1998",
40 volume = 19,
41 pages = "179--194",
42 number = 2,
43 month = jul,
46 @mastersthesis{ Seghir2002,
47 title = {D\'enombrement des Point Entiers de l'Union et de
48 l'Image des Poly\'edres Param\'etr\'es},
49 author = "Rachid Seghir",
50 month = jun,
51 school = ICPS,
52 year = 2002,
55 @techreport{cdd,
56 author = "K. Fukuda",
57 title = "cdd.c: C-implementation of the double description method for computing all vertices and extremal rays of a convex polyhedron given by a system of linear inequalities",
58 institution = "Department of Mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland",
59 year = 1993,
60 note = "program available from http://www.ifor.math.ethz.ch/~fukuda/fukuda.html",
63 @PhdThesis{Loechner97phd,
64 author = "V. Loechner",
65 title = {Contribution \`a l'\'etude des poly\`edres
66 param\'etr\'es et applications en parall\'elisation automatique},
67 school = "University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg",
68 year = 1997,
71 @PHDTHESIS{ Bik1996PhD,
72 AUTHOR = {A. J. C. Bik},
73 TITLE = {Compiler Support for Sparse Matrix Computations},
74 SCHOOL = {University of Leiden},
75 ADDRESS = {The Netherlands},
76 YEAR = {1996},
77 ISBN = {},
78 NOTE = {},
79 CONTENTS = {},
80 sourceURL = {ftp://ftp.wi.leidenuniv.nl/pub/CS/PhDTheses/bik-96.ps.gz},
81 FLAGS = {own},
82 TOPICS = {Sparse Arrays}
85 @PHDTHESIS{Verdoolaege2005PhD,
86 AUTHOR = "Verdoolaege, Sven",
87 TITLE = {Incremental Loop Transformations and Enumeration of Parametric Sets},
88 SCHOOL = {Department of Computer Science, K.U.Leuven},
89 YEAR = {2005},
90 TYPE = {PHD},
91 ADDRESS = {Leuven, Belgium},
92 MONTH = apr,
95 @misc{latte1.1,
96 author = "De Loera, J. A. and Haws, D. and Hemmecke, R. and Huggins, P. and Tauzer, J. and Yoshida, R.",
97 title = "A User's Guide for LattE v1.1",
98 year = 2003,
99 month = nov,
100 note = {software package {\tt LattE} is available at {\tt http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/$\sim$latte/}},
103 @misc{NTL,
104 author = "Victor Shoup",
105 title = "{NTL}",
106 note = "Available from {\tt http://www.shoup.net/ntl/}",
107 year = 2004,
110 @incollection{polymake,
111 author = {Ewgenij Gawrilow and Michael Joswig},
112 title = {polymake: a Framework for Analyzing Convex Polytopes},
113 pages = {43-74},
114 editor = {Gil Kalai and G\"unter M. Ziegler},
115 booktitle = {Polytopes --- Combinatorics and Computation},
116 publisher = {Birkh\"auser},
117 year = {2000}
120 @article{Stanley93monotonicity,
121 author = {Richard P. Stanley},
122 title = {A Monotonicity Property of h-vectors and h*-vectors.},
123 journal = {European Journal of Combinatorics},
124 volume = {14},
125 number = {3},
126 year = {1993},
127 pages = {251-258},
130 @TechReport{ Omega_calc,
131 author = "Wayne Kelly and Vadim Maslov and William Pugh and Evan Rosser and Tatiana Shpeisman and Dave Wonnacott",
132 title = "The {Omega} Calculator and Library",
133 month = nov,
134 institution = "University of Maryland",
135 year = 1996
138 @TechReport{ Omega_lib,
139 author = "Wayne Kelly and Vadim Maslov and William Pugh and Evan Rosser and Tatiana Shpeisman and Dave Wonnacott",
140 title = "The {Omega} Library",
141 month = nov,
142 institution = "University of Maryland",
143 year = 1996
146 @inproceedings{Turjan2002,
147 author = "Alexandru Turjan and Bart Kienhuis and Ed Deprettere",
148 title = "A compile time based approach for solving out-of-order communication in {Kahn} Process Networks",
149 booktitle = "IEEE 13th International Conference on Aplication-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP'2002)",
150 location = "San Jose, CA, USA",
151 month = Jul,
152 year = 2002
155 @article{Loechner2002,
156 author = {Vincent Loechner and Beno\^it Meister and Philippe Clauss},
157 title = {Precise Data Locality Optimization of Nested Loops},
158 journal = {J. Supercomput.},
159 volume = {21},
160 number = {1},
161 year = {2002},
162 issn = {0920-8542},
163 pages = {37--76},
164 doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1013535431127},
165 publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},