adapted to new vmath
[b2ld.git] / b2dlite / world.d
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Erin Catto
4 * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
5 * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
6 * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.
7 * Erin Catto makes no representations about the suitability
8 * of this software for any purpose.
9 * It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
11 module;
13 import iv.vmath;
14 import b2dlite.arbiter;
15 import b2dlite.mathutils;
18 struct ArbiterKey {
19 private import b2dlite.bbody : Body;
21 // pointers, actually
22 Body body1;
23 Body body2;
25 this (Body b1, Body b2) { if (b1 < b2) { body1 = b1; body2 = b2; } else { body1 = b2; body2 = b1; } }
29 class World {
30 private import b2dlite.bbody, b2dlite.joint;
31 public:
32 Body[] bodies;
33 Joint[] joints;
34 Arbiter[ArbiterKey] arbiters;
35 Vec2 gravity;
36 int iterations;
37 Arbiter xarb; // temporary
39 static bool accumulateImpulses = true;
40 static bool warmStarting = true;
41 static bool positionCorrection = true;
43 public:
44 this() (in auto ref Vec2 agravity, int aiterations) {
45 gravity = agravity;
46 iterations = aiterations;
47 xarb = new Arbiter();
50 void Add (Body bbody) {
51 if (bbody !is null) bodies ~= bbody;
54 void Add (Joint joint) {
55 if (joint !is null) joints ~= joint;
58 void Clear () {
59 bodies = null;
60 joints = null;
61 arbiters.clear();
64 void Step (VFloat dt) {
65 VFloat inv_dt = (dt > VFloatNum!(0.0) ? VFloatNum!(1.0)/dt : VFloatNum!(0.0));
66 // determine overlapping bodies and update contact points
67 BroadPhase();
68 // integrate forces
69 for (int i = 0; i < bodies.length; ++i) {
70 Body b = bodies[i];
71 if (b.invMass == VFloatNum!(0.0)) continue;
72 b.velocity += (gravity+b.force*b.invMass)*dt;
73 b.angularVelocity += dt*b.invI*b.torque;
75 // perform pre-steps
76 foreach (Arbiter arb; arbiters.byValue) arb.PreStep(inv_dt);
77 for (int i = 0; i < joints.length; ++i) joints[i].PreStep(inv_dt);
78 // perform iterations
79 for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
80 foreach (Arbiter arb; arbiters.byValue) arb.ApplyImpulse();
81 for (int j = 0; j < joints.length; ++j) joints[j].ApplyImpulse();
83 // integrate velocities
84 for (int i = 0; i < bodies.length; ++i) {
85 Body b = bodies[i];
87 b.position += b.velocity*dt;
88 b.rotation += b.angularVelocity*dt;
90 b.force.set(VFloatNum!(0.0), VFloatNum!(0.0));
91 b.torque = VFloatNum!(0.0);
95 void BroadPhase () {
96 // O(n^2) broad-phase
97 for (int i = 0; i < bodies.length; ++i) {
98 Body bi = bodies[i];
99 for (int j = i+1; j < bodies.length; ++j) {
100 Body bj = bodies[j];
101 if (bi.invMass == VFloatNum!(0.0) && bj.invMass == VFloatNum!(0.0)) continue;
102 if (auto arb = ArbiterKey(bi, bj) in arbiters) {
103 xarb.setup(bi, bj);
104 arb.Update(xarb.contacts.ptr, xarb.numContacts);
105 } else {
106 arbiters[ArbiterKey(bi, bj)] = new Arbiter(bi, bj);