common_lib.base_packages: Add parallel bzip2 support to package manager
[autotest-zwu.git] / tko / parsers /
1 import os, re, time
3 from autotest_lib.tko import models, status_lib, utils as tko_utils
4 from autotest_lib.tko.parsers import base, version_0
7 class job(version_0.job):
8 def exit_status(self):
9 # find the .autoserv_execute path
10 top_dir = tko_utils.find_toplevel_job_dir(self.dir)
11 if not top_dir:
12 return "ABORT"
13 execute_path = os.path.join(top_dir, ".autoserv_execute")
15 # if for some reason we can't read the status code, assume disaster
16 if not os.path.exists(execute_path):
17 return "ABORT"
18 lines = open(execute_path).readlines()
19 if len(lines) < 2:
20 return "ABORT"
21 try:
22 status_code = int(lines[1])
23 except ValueError:
24 return "ABORT"
26 if not os.WIFEXITED(status_code):
27 # looks like a signal - an ABORT
28 return "ABORT"
29 elif os.WEXITSTATUS(status_code) != 0:
30 # looks like a non-zero exit - a failure
31 return "FAIL"
32 else:
33 # looks like exit code == 0
34 return "GOOD"
37 class kernel(models.kernel):
38 def __init__(self, base, patches):
39 if base:
40 patches = [patch(*p.split()) for p in patches]
41 hashes = [p.hash for p in patches]
42 kernel_hash = self.compute_hash(base, hashes)
43 else:
44 base = "UNKNOWN"
45 patches = []
46 kernel_hash = "UNKNOWN"
47 super(kernel, self).__init__(base, patches, kernel_hash)
50 class test(models.test):
51 @staticmethod
52 def load_iterations(keyval_path):
53 return iteration.load_from_keyval(keyval_path)
56 class iteration(models.iteration):
57 @staticmethod
58 def parse_line_into_dicts(line, attr_dict, perf_dict):
59 key, val_type, value = "", "", ""
61 # figure out what the key, value and keyval type are
62 typed_match ="^([^=]*)\{(\w*)\}=(.*)$", line)
63 if typed_match:
64 key, val_type, value = typed_match.groups()
65 else:
66 # old-fashioned untyped match, assume perf
67 untyped_match ="^([^=]*)=(.*)$", line)
68 if untyped_match:
69 key, value = untyped_match.groups()
70 val_type = "perf"
72 # parse the actual value into a dict
73 try:
74 if val_type == "attr":
75 attr_dict[key] = value
76 elif val_type == "perf":
77 perf_dict[key] = float(value)
78 else:
79 raise ValueError
80 except ValueError:
81 msg = ("WARNING: line '%s' found in test "
82 "iteration keyval could not be parsed")
83 msg %= line
84 tko_utils.dprint(msg)
87 class status_line(version_0.status_line):
88 def __init__(self, indent, status, subdir, testname, reason,
89 optional_fields):
90 # handle INFO fields
91 if status == "INFO":
92 self.type = "INFO"
93 self.indent = indent
94 self.status = self.subdir = self.testname = self.reason = None
95 self.optional_fields = optional_fields
96 else:
97 # everything else is backwards compatible
98 super(status_line, self).__init__(indent, status, subdir,
99 testname, reason,
100 optional_fields)
103 def is_successful_reboot(self, current_status):
104 # make sure this is a reboot line
105 if self.testname != "reboot":
106 return False
108 # make sure this was not a failure
109 if status_lib.is_worse_than_or_equal_to(current_status, "FAIL"):
110 return False
112 # it must have been a successful reboot
113 return True
116 def get_kernel(self):
117 # get the base kernel version
118 fields = self.optional_fields
119 base = re.sub("-autotest$", "", fields.get("kernel", ""))
120 # get a list of patches
121 patches = []
122 patch_index = 0
123 while ("patch%d" % patch_index) in fields:
124 patches.append(fields["patch%d" % patch_index])
125 patch_index += 1
126 # create a new kernel instance
127 return kernel(base, patches)
130 def get_timestamp(self):
131 return tko_utils.get_timestamp(self.optional_fields,
132 "timestamp")
135 # the default implementations from version 0 will do for now
136 patch = version_0.patch
139 class parser(base.parser):
140 @staticmethod
141 def make_job(dir):
142 return job(dir)
145 @staticmethod
146 def make_dummy_abort(indent, subdir, testname, timestamp, reason):
147 indent = "\t" * indent
148 if not subdir:
149 subdir = "----"
150 if not testname:
151 testname = "----"
153 # There is no guarantee that this will be set.
154 timestamp_field = ''
155 if timestamp:
156 timestamp_field = '\ttimestamp=%s' % timestamp
158 msg = indent + "END ABORT\t%s\t%s%s\t%s"
159 return msg % (subdir, testname, timestamp_field, reason)
162 @staticmethod
163 def put_back_line_and_abort(
164 line_buffer, line, indent, subdir, timestamp, reason):
165 tko_utils.dprint("Unexpected indent regression, aborting")
166 line_buffer.put_back(line)
167 abort = parser.make_dummy_abort(
168 indent, subdir, subdir, timestamp, reason)
169 line_buffer.put_back(abort)
172 def state_iterator(self, buffer):
173 line = None
174 new_tests = []
175 job_count, boot_count = 0, 0
176 min_stack_size = 0
177 stack = status_lib.status_stack()
178 current_kernel = kernel("", []) # UNKNOWN
179 current_status = status_lib.statuses[-1]
180 current_reason = None
181 started_time_stack = [None]
182 subdir_stack = [None]
183 running_test = None
184 running_reasons = set()
185 yield [] # we're ready to start running
187 # create a RUNNING SERVER_JOB entry to represent the entire test
188 running_job = test.parse_partial_test(self.job, "----", "SERVER_JOB",
189 "", current_kernel,
190 self.job.started_time)
191 new_tests.append(running_job)
193 while True:
194 # are we finished with parsing?
195 if buffer.size() == 0 and self.finished:
196 if stack.size() == 0:
197 break
198 # we have status lines left on the stack,
199 # we need to implicitly abort them first
200 tko_utils.dprint('\nUnexpected end of job, aborting')
201 abort_subdir_stack = list(subdir_stack)
202 if self.job.aborted_by:
203 reason = "Job aborted by %s" % self.job.aborted_by
204 reason += self.job.aborted_on.strftime(
205 " at %b %d %H:%M:%S")
206 else:
207 reason = "Job aborted unexpectedly"
209 timestamp = line.optional_fields.get('timestamp')
210 for i in reversed(xrange(stack.size())):
211 if abort_subdir_stack:
212 subdir = abort_subdir_stack.pop()
213 else:
214 subdir = None
215 abort = self.make_dummy_abort(
216 i, subdir, subdir, timestamp, reason)
217 buffer.put(abort)
219 # stop processing once the buffer is empty
220 if buffer.size() == 0:
221 yield new_tests
222 new_tests = []
223 continue
225 # reinitialize the per-iteration state
226 started_time = None
227 finished_time = None
229 # get the next line
230 raw_line = status_lib.clean_raw_line(buffer.get())
231 tko_utils.dprint('\nSTATUS: ' + raw_line.strip())
232 line = status_line.parse_line(raw_line)
233 if line is None:
234 tko_utils.dprint('non-status line, ignoring')
235 continue
237 # do an initial sanity check of the indentation
238 expected_indent = stack.size()
239 if line.type == "END":
240 expected_indent -= 1
241 if line.indent < expected_indent:
242 # ABORT the current level if indentation was unexpectedly low
243 self.put_back_line_and_abort(
244 buffer, raw_line, stack.size() - 1, subdir_stack[-1],
245 line.optional_fields.get("timestamp"), line.reason)
246 continue
247 elif line.indent > expected_indent:
248 # ignore the log if the indent was unexpectedly high
249 tko_utils.dprint("unexpected extra indentation, ignoring")
250 continue
253 # initial line processing
254 if line.type == "START":
255 stack.start()
256 started_time = line.get_timestamp()
257 if (line.testname is None and line.subdir is None
258 and not running_test):
259 # we just started a client, all tests are relative to here
260 min_stack_size = stack.size()
261 # start a "RUNNING" CLIENT_JOB entry
262 job_name = "CLIENT_JOB.%d" % job_count
263 running_client = test.parse_partial_test(self.job, None,
264 job_name,
265 "", current_kernel,
266 started_time)
267 msg = "RUNNING: %s\n%s\n"
268 msg %= (running_client.status, running_client.testname)
269 tko_utils.dprint(msg)
270 new_tests.append(running_client)
271 elif stack.size() == min_stack_size + 1 and not running_test:
272 # we just started a new test, insert a running record
273 running_reasons = set()
274 if line.reason:
275 running_reasons.add(line.reason)
276 running_test = test.parse_partial_test(self.job,
277 line.subdir,
278 line.testname,
279 line.reason,
280 current_kernel,
281 started_time)
282 msg = "RUNNING: %s\nSubdir: %s\nTestname: %s\n%s"
283 msg %= (running_test.status, running_test.subdir,
284 running_test.testname, running_test.reason)
285 tko_utils.dprint(msg)
286 new_tests.append(running_test)
287 started_time_stack.append(started_time)
288 subdir_stack.append(line.subdir)
289 continue
290 elif line.type == "INFO":
291 fields = line.optional_fields
292 # update the current kernel if one is defined in the info
293 if "kernel" in fields:
294 current_kernel = line.get_kernel()
295 # update the SERVER_JOB reason if one was logged for an abort
296 if "job_abort_reason" in fields:
297 running_job.reason = fields["job_abort_reason"]
298 new_tests.append(running_job)
299 continue
300 elif line.type == "STATUS":
301 # update the stacks
302 if line.subdir and stack.size() > min_stack_size:
303 subdir_stack[-1] = line.subdir
304 # update the status, start and finished times
305 stack.update(line.status)
306 if status_lib.is_worse_than_or_equal_to(line.status,
307 current_status):
308 if line.reason:
309 # update the status of a currently running test
310 if running_test:
311 running_reasons.add(line.reason)
312 running_reasons = tko_utils.drop_redundant_messages(
313 running_reasons)
314 sorted_reasons = sorted(running_reasons)
315 running_test.reason = ", ".join(sorted_reasons)
316 current_reason = running_test.reason
317 new_tests.append(running_test)
318 msg = "update RUNNING reason: %s" % line.reason
319 tko_utils.dprint(msg)
320 else:
321 current_reason = line.reason
322 current_status = stack.current_status()
323 started_time = None
324 finished_time = line.get_timestamp()
325 # if this is a non-test entry there's nothing else to do
326 if line.testname is None and line.subdir is None:
327 continue
328 elif line.type == "END":
329 # grab the current subdir off of the subdir stack, or, if this
330 # is the end of a job, just pop it off
331 if (line.testname is None and line.subdir is None
332 and not running_test):
333 min_stack_size = stack.size() - 1
334 subdir_stack.pop()
335 else:
336 line.subdir = subdir_stack.pop()
337 if not subdir_stack[-1] and stack.size() > min_stack_size:
338 subdir_stack[-1] = line.subdir
339 # update the status, start and finished times
340 stack.update(line.status)
341 current_status = stack.end()
342 if stack.size() > min_stack_size:
343 stack.update(current_status)
344 current_status = stack.current_status()
345 started_time = started_time_stack.pop()
346 finished_time = line.get_timestamp()
347 # update the current kernel
348 if line.is_successful_reboot(current_status):
349 current_kernel = line.get_kernel()
350 # adjust the testname if this is a reboot
351 if line.testname == "reboot" and line.subdir is None:
352 line.testname = "boot.%d" % boot_count
353 else:
354 assert False
356 # have we just finished a test?
357 if stack.size() <= min_stack_size:
358 # if there was no testname, just use the subdir
359 if line.testname is None:
360 line.testname = line.subdir
361 # if there was no testname or subdir, use 'CLIENT_JOB'
362 if line.testname is None:
363 line.testname = "CLIENT_JOB.%d" % job_count
364 running_test = running_client
365 job_count += 1
366 if not status_lib.is_worse_than_or_equal_to(
367 current_status, "ABORT"):
368 # a job hasn't really failed just because some of the
369 # tests it ran have
370 current_status = "GOOD"
372 if not current_reason:
373 current_reason = line.reason
374 new_test = test.parse_test(self.job,
375 line.subdir,
376 line.testname,
377 current_status,
378 current_reason,
379 current_kernel,
380 started_time,
381 finished_time,
382 running_test)
383 running_test = None
384 current_status = status_lib.statuses[-1]
385 current_reason = None
386 if new_test.testname == ("boot.%d" % boot_count):
387 boot_count += 1
388 msg = "ADD: %s\nSubdir: %s\nTestname: %s\n%s"
389 msg %= (new_test.status, new_test.subdir,
390 new_test.testname, new_test.reason)
391 tko_utils.dprint(msg)
392 new_tests.append(new_test)
394 # the job is finished, produce the final SERVER_JOB entry and exit
395 final_job = test.parse_test(self.job, "----", "SERVER_JOB",
396 self.job.exit_status(), running_job.reason,
397 current_kernel,
398 self.job.started_time,
399 self.job.finished_time,
400 running_job)
401 new_tests.append(final_job)
402 yield new_tests