updated on Fri Jan 13 20:02:10 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / palm-sdk-oldimages / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Thomas Weißschuh <thomas_weissschuh || lavabit || com>
3 pkgname=palm-sdk-oldimages
4 pkgver=3.0.2
5 pkgrel=1
6 pkgdesc="Emulator images no longer included in palm-sdk"
7 url="http://developer.palm.com/index.php"
8 arch=(any)
9 license=("custom:palm-sdk")
10 depends=("palm-sdk=>${pkgver}")
11 _dlpath="https://cdn.downloads.palm.com/sdkdownloads/emulator-images/"
13 # remove those you don't want ( each ~150MiB ) remove them from all arrays
14 source=("${_dlpath}SDK"
15         "${_dlpath}SDK"
16         "${_dlpath}SDK"
17         "${_dlpath}SDK"
18         "${_dlpath}SDK")
21 sha1sums=("77985e7f63a7f7455e5fa2037e70e517ab352a15"
22         "5a844dd6377e03ac602731bf230fda651c84a74f"
23         "deb2813927f19f73ed1f89ea5f032f6a89e0ad13"
24         "d4b884e6f155cc2a5baf6e1bfe77f4e4c9faa32f"
25         "2db241a11dabc892c5aaf9ed7dce06ab444a2fa7")
27 # this is lame, any ideas?
29 # !Important!
30 # this won't work with present makepkg, as spaces are breaking noextract
31 # --> on line 677 in /usr/bin/makepkg  add "" around ${noextract[@]}
32 # this is going to be fixed in [pacman]-4.0
33 noextract=('SDK'
34         'SDK'
35         'SDK'
36         'SDK'
37         'SDK')
39 error "Emergency break, please take a look at the PKGBUILD and read the comments, then remove this line"
41 package(){
43         mkdir -p                ${pkgdir}/opt/PalmSDK/Current/share/emulator/images/
44         cp ${srcdir}/*.vmdk.zip ${pkgdir}/opt/PalmSDK/Current/share/emulator/images/