updated on Thu Jan 12 16:09:17 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / ioquake3 / PKGBUILD
1 # Contributor: Slash <demodevil5[at]yahoo[dot]com>
3 pkgname=ioquake3
4 pkgver=1.36
5 pkgrel=2
6 pkgdesc="The de-facto OSS Quake 3 distribution. You need the retail/demo .pk3 files to play."
7 url="http://ioquake3.org/"
8 license='GPL'
9 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
10 depends=('sdl' 'openal')
11 makedepends=('nasm')
12 conflicts=('quake3' 'quake3-icculus-svn' 'quake3-svn' 'ioquake3-svn')
13 provides=('quake3')
14 replaces=('quake3')
15 install=quake3.install
16 source=('quake3.desktop' 'quake3.launcher' 'quake3ded.launcher' \
17 "http://www.ioquake3.org/files/${pkgver}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2" \
18 'http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake3/linux/linuxq3apoint-1.32b-3.x86.run' \
19 'botlib.patch::http://bugzilla-attachments.icculus.org/attachment.cgi?id=2196')
20 md5sums=('9eca51e2b3ee3e0100944cba436a2a4c'
21          'ea5d99df80b41269523b34229fdf854d'
22          'ea5d99df80b41269523b34229fdf854d'
23          'f938379a4a519ae32f6ffaacaf866cde'
24          'c71fdddccb20e8fc393d846e9c61d685'
25          '4485f84a4a9bc9a25f2737ee1744febd')
27 build() {
28     cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/
30     # Modify Makefile to correct install path
31     /bin/sed -i "s:/usr/local/games/quake3:$pkgdir/opt/quake3:" Makefile
33     # Patch botlib so bots work on 64bit
34     patch -p1 < $srcdir/botlib.patch || return 1
36     # Compile ioQuake3
37     make || return 1
39     # Install Files
40     make copyfiles || return 1
42     # Extract Patch Files
43     cd $srcdir
44     chmod +x $srcdir/linuxq3apoint-1.32b-3.x86.run
45     $srcdir/linuxq3apoint-1.32b-3.x86.run --tar xf
47     # Modify Launcher Scripts
48     if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
49         #
50         # x86_64 Systems
51         #
52         /bin/sed -i "s:IOQ3_BINARY:ioquake3.x86_64:" \
53             $srcdir/quake3.launcher
54         /bin/sed -i "s:IOQ3_BINARY:ioq3ded.x86_64:" \
55             $srcdir/quake3ded.launcher
56     else
57         #
58         # i686 Systems
59         #
60         /bin/sed -i "s:IOQ3_BINARY:ioquake3.i386:" \
61             $srcdir/quake3.launcher
62         /bin/sed -i "s:IOQ3_BINARY:ioq3ded.i386:" \
63             $srcdir/quake3ded.launcher
64     fi
66     # Install Quake 3 Patch Files
67     install -m 644 $srcdir/baseq3/*.pk3 \
68         $pkgdir/opt/quake3/baseq3/
70     # Install Quake 3 Expansion Pack Patch Files
71     install -m 644 $srcdir/missionpack/*.pk3 \
72         $pkgdir/opt/quake3/missionpack/
74     # Install Launcher (Client)
75     install -D -m 755 $srcdir/quake3.launcher \
76         $pkgdir/usr/bin/quake3
78     # Install Launcher (Server)
79     install -D -m 755 $srcdir/quake3ded.launcher \
80         $pkgdir/usr/bin/quake3ded
82     # Install Desktop File
83     install -D -m 644 $srcdir/quake3.desktop \
84         $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/quake3.desktop
86     # Install Icon File
87     install -D -m 644 $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver/misc/quake3.png \
88         $pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/quake3.png