updated on Mon Jan 23 12:00:23 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / ipt-base / sql
1 grant insert on probes.data to logsnorter@localhost identified by 'password';
2 grant select on probes.detail to logsnorter@localhost;
3 grant select on probes.encoding to logsnorter@localhost;
4 grant select,insert on probes.event to logsnorter@localhost;
5 grant insert on probes.icmphdr to logsnorter@localhost;
6 grant insert on probes.iphdr to logsnorter@localhost;
7 grant insert on probes.opt to logsnorter@localhost;
8 grant insert on probes.reference to logsnorter@localhost;
9 grant select,insert on probes.reference_system to logsnorter@localhost;
10 grant select on probes.schema to logsnorter@localhost;
11 grant select,insert on probes.sensor to logsnorter@localhost;
12 grant select,insert on probes.sig_class to logsnorter@localhost;
13 grant select,insert on probes.sig_reference to logsnorter@localhost;
14 grant select,insert on probes.signature to logsnorter@localhost;
15 grant insert on probes.tcphdr to logsnorter@localhost;
16 grant insert on probes.udphdr to logsnorter@localhost;
17 grant all privileges on probes.* to base@localhost identified by 'password';
20 CREATE TABLE acid_event   ( sid                 INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
21                             cid                 INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
22                             signature           INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
23                             sig_name            VARCHAR(255),
24                             sig_class_id        INT UNSIGNED,
25                             sig_priority        INT UNSIGNED,
26                             timestamp           DATETIME NOT NULL,
27                             ip_src              INT UNSIGNED,
28                             ip_dst              INT UNSIGNED,
29                             ip_proto            INT,
30                             layer4_sport        INT UNSIGNED,
31                             layer4_dport        INT UNSIGNED,
33                             PRIMARY KEY         (sid,cid),
34                             INDEX               (signature),
35                             INDEX               (sig_name),
36                             INDEX               (sig_class_id),
37                             INDEX               (sig_priority),
38                             INDEX               (timestamp),
39                             INDEX               (ip_src),
40                             INDEX               (ip_dst),
41                             INDEX               (ip_proto),
42                             INDEX               (layer4_sport),
43                             INDEX               (layer4_dport)
44                           );
47 CREATE TABLE acid_ag      ( ag_id               INT           UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
48                             ag_name             VARCHAR(40),
49                             ag_desc             TEXT,
50                             ag_ctime            DATETIME,
51                             ag_ltime            DATETIME,
53                             PRIMARY KEY         (ag_id),
54                             INDEX               (ag_id));
56 CREATE TABLE acid_ag_alert( ag_id               INT           UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
57                             ag_sid              INT           UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
58                             ag_cid              INT           UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
60                             PRIMARY KEY         (ag_id, ag_sid, ag_cid),
61                             INDEX               (ag_id),
62                             INDEX               (ag_sid, ag_cid));
64 CREATE TABLE acid_ip_cache( ipc_ip                  INT           UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
65                             ipc_fqdn                VARCHAR(50),
66                             ipc_dns_timestamp       DATETIME,
67                             ipc_whois               TEXT,
68                             ipc_whois_timestamp     DATETIME,
70                             PRIMARY KEY         (ipc_ip),
71                             INDEX               (ipc_ip) );
72 grant select,insert,delete on probes.acid_ag to logsnorter@localhost;
73 grant select,insert,delete on probes.acid_ag_alert to logsnorter@localhost;
74 grant select,insert,update,delete on probes.acid_event to logsnorter@localhost;
75 grant select,insert,update,delete on probes.acid_ip_cache to logsnorter@localhost;
76 grant select,insert,delete on probes.data to logsnorter@localhost;
77 grant select on probes.detail to logsnorter@localhost;
78 grant select on probes.encoding to logsnorter@localhost;
79 grant select,insert,delete on probes.event to logsnorter@localhost;
80 grant select,insert,delete on probes.icmphdr to logsnorter@localhost;
81 grant select,insert,delete on probes.iphdr to logsnorter@localhost;
82 grant select,insert,delete on probes.opt to logsnorter@localhost;
83 grant select,insert,update,delete on probes.reference to logsnorter@localhost;
84 grant select,insert,update,delete on probes.reference_system to logsnorter@localhost;
85 grant select on probes.schema to logsnorter@localhost;
86 grant select,insert on probes.sensor to logsnorter@localhost;
87 grant select,insert,update,delete on probes.sig_class to logsnorter@localhost;
88 grant select,insert,update,delete on probes.sig_reference to logsnorter@localhost;
89 grant select,insert on probes.signature to logsnorter@localhost;
90 grant select,insert,delete on probes.tcphdr to logsnorter@localhost;
91 grant select,insert,delete on probes.udphdr to logsnorter@localhost;