1 # Contributor: Michal Gawronski <dinth1906 at gmail dot com>
6 pkgdesc="Is a fantasy adventure game, based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. It is a game that emphasizes intricate, challenging, and varied gameplay over graphics. Hundreds of different monsters in randomly-generated, unpredictable dungeons will strive to slay you by various means, and you counter - if you survive - by developing the skills of your choice and wielding mighty artifacts."
8 url="http://www.t-o-m-e.net"
10 depends=(ncurses libx11 sdl sdl_gfx)
11 source=('http://www.t-o-m-e.net/dl/src/tome-300alpha19-src.tar.bz2')
12 md5sums=('7a993d72639da0f797a9e129b0b227de')
15 cd $srcdir/tome-300alpha19-src/src
16 sed -e 's@PREFIX ?= /usr/local@PREFIX ?= /usr@;s@LIBDIR = $(PREFIX)/games/$(TOMENAME)/@LIBDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/$(TOMENAME)/@' ./makefile.std > ./Makefile || return 1
18 make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1