updated on Thu Jan 26 00:18:00 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / python2-pyqt-mobility / PKGBUILD
1 # $Id: PKGBUILD 135252 2011-08-11 16:55:55Z miguel angel $
2 # Maintainer: Miguel Angel Rasero <info@linos.es>
3 # modified copy-paste from official PyQt4 Arch package
5 pkgname=('python2-pyqt-mobility')
6 pkgver=1.0.1
7 pkgrel=4
8 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
9 url="http://riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqtmobility/intro"
10 license=('GPL')
11 makedepends=('qt' 'python-sip' 'dbus-python' 'python2-sip' 'phonon'
12              'python-opengl' 'qt-assistant-compat')
13 source=("http://riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Downloads/PyQtMobility/PyQtMobility-gpl-${pkgver}.tar.gz")
14 md5sums=('fbec98d04f6256b76f81a067bcaf4bc1')
16 build() {
17   cd "${srcdir}"
19   ### Python2 version ###
20   cd "${srcdir}/PyQtMobility-gpl-${pkgver}"
21   python2 configure.py \
22     -e QtContacts \
23     -e QtLocation \
24     -e QtMultimediaKit \
25     -e QtPublishSubscribe \
26     -e QtSensors \
27     -e QtServiceFramework \
28     -e QtSystemInfo \
29     -e QtVersit \
30     -v /usr/share/sip 
32   # Thanks Gerardo for the rpath fix
33   find -name 'Makefile' | xargs sed -i 's|-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib||g;s|-Wl,-rpath,.* ||g'
35   make
38 package_python2-pyqt-mobility(){
39   pkgdesc="PyQt: A set of Python2 bindings for the Qt Mobility toolkit"
40   depends=('python2-sip' 'python2-pyqt' 'pyqt-mobility')
42   cd "${srcdir}/PyQtMobility-gpl-${pkgver}"
43   # INSTALL_ROOT is needed for the QtDesigner module, the other Makefiles use DESTDIR
44   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}" install