updated on Thu Jan 26 00:18:00 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / hacker-evolution-untold-demo / PKGBUILD
1 # Contributor: Artificial Intelligence <polarbeard@gmail.com>
3 pkgname=hacker-evolution-untold-demo
4 pkgver=2.2
5 pkgrel=3
6 pkgdesc="When the number of computers in existence and their processing capacity exceeds that of all mankind, a point of technological singularity is encountered. A massive economic and systematic crisis hits the entire world. Nobody knows the exact cause, and all solutions to fix it, are failing. We are about to lose our position as a dominant specie on the planet, in favor of something we have created... computers."
7 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
8 url='http://www.exosyphen.com/page_hacker-evolution-untold.html'
9 license=('custom: "commercial"')
10 install=hackerevolution-demo.install
11 depends=('mesa')
12 makedepends=('unzip')
13 if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
14         source=("http://www.exosyphen.com/xproduct-hackerevolution-untold/heuntold-linux-demo-64.tar.gz"
15 'HackerEvolution-demo.png'
16 'hackerevolution-demo.desktop'
17 'hackerevolution-demo.launcher')
18 else
19         source=("http://www.exosyphen.com/xproduct-hackerevolution-untold/heuntold-linux-demo.tar.gz"
20 'HackerEvolution-demo.png'
21 'hackerevolution-demo.desktop'
22 'hackerevolution-demo.launcher')
24 if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
25         md5sums=('196f4d2a9b1966e3528bc6ee49275f5e' '89a061da1cb4ec4fd40e97b33b8229d3' '6ca7031db706ef417fe3065ffb1600e0' '54814d32cd7befe4b4ab96ffb2c4a243')
26 else
27         md5sums=('9029cdc7ff09ba7eea473a05f4ca6edc' '89a061da1cb4ec4fd40e97b33b8229d3' '6ca7031db706ef417fe3065ffb1600e0' '54814d32cd7befe4b4ab96ffb2c4a243')
30 build() {
31     cd $srcdir || return 1
33 # Create Destination Directory
34     install -d $pkgdir/opt/HackerEvolution-demo || return 1
36 # Extract Game & Install Data
37 if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
38     tar zxfv $srcdir/heuntold-linux-demo-64.tar.gz || return 1
39     cp -r $srcdir/heuntold-linux-x86_64-demo-2.2/* $pkgdir/opt/HackerEvolution-demo || return 1
40 else
41     tar zxfv $srcdir/heuntold-linux-demo.tar.gz || return 1
42     cp -r $srcdir/heuntold-demo-linux-x86-2.2-rc2-28-g5f80fd0/* $pkgdir/opt/HackerEvolution-demo || return 1
45 # Install Icon
46     install -D -m 644 $srcdir/HackerEvolution-demo.png \
47         $pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/HackerEvolution-demo.png || return 1
49 # Install Launcher
50     install -D -m 644 $srcdir/hackerevolution-demo.desktop \
51         $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/hackerevolution-demo.desktop || return 1
53 # Install Game Launcher
54     install -D -m 755 $srcdir/hackerevolution-demo.launcher \
55         $pkgdir/usr/bin/hackerevolution-demo || return 1