updated on Thu Jan 26 00:18:00 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / distel / distel-build.el
1 ;;; distel-build.el
2 ;;; Set up the Emacs environment to byte-compile distel. This program
3 ;;; assumes it is being run with the target elisp directory as the current
4 ;;; directory.
5 ;;; $Id: distel-build.el,v b16f8cfa23b9 2008/07/09 00:28:35 jbromley $
6 (add-to-list 'load-path ".")
7 ; The following file is installed with the erlang package.
8 (load-file "/usr/lib/erlang/lib/tools-2.6.4/emacs/erlang.el")
9 (load-file "./erl.el")
10 (defun distel-byte-compile-distel () "Byte-compile all distel elisp files."
11 (let ((distel-files (directory-files "." nil "\\.el$")))
12 (dolist (f distel-files)
13 (byte-compile-file f))))