1 ## arg 1: the new package version
6 ## arg 1: the new package version
9 cd /usr/src/desktopvideo-${1%%-*}
11 install -D -m 0644 blackmagic.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers
17 ## arg 1: the new package version
18 ## arg 2: the old package version
20 lsmod | grep blackmagic && modprobe -r blackmagic
21 rm -f "/lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/blackmagic.ko"
24 ## arg 1: the new package version
25 ## arg 2: the old package version
30 ## arg 1: the old package version
32 lsmod | grep blackmagic && modprobe -r blackmagic
35 ## arg 1: the old package version
37 rm -f "/lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/blackmagic.ko"
40 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: