3 ==> To enable the brightness control, load the module with the
4 ==> "control_backlight=1" module parameter (i.e.
5 ==> modprobe lenovo-sl-laptop.ko control_backlight=1 )
7 ==> Note that the brightness control will likely conflict with
8 ==> the ACPI video driver brightness control. So, if you have
9 ==> the ACPI video driver loaded (and you probably do):
11 ==> echo 0 > /sys/module/video/parameters/brightness_switch_enabled
12 ==> insmod lenovo-sl-laptop.ko control_backlight=1
13 ==> and then restart X.
15 ==> Alternatively, you can try to use the "acpi_backlight=vendor"
16 ==> kernel parameter (added to some recent kernel versions).
18 ==> Alternatively alternatively, simply unload the ACPI video
19 ==> driver (rmmod video).