updated on Sun Jan 8 12:02:35 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / live-usb-install / PKGBUILD
1 pkgname=live-usb-install
2 pkgver=2.3.2
3 pkgrel=2
4 pkgdesc="LiveUSB Install - Create bootable usb sticks from a wide range of different Linux distributions"
5 url="http://live.learnfree.eu"
6 license=('GPL')
7 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
8 source=('http://download.learnfree.eu/lfu-usb/live-usb-install-2.3.2.tar.gz')
9 md5sums=('bc3819f81254f814b8e31c022870321e')
11 # Requires python 2.6, python-glade2, syslinux, wget, p7zip-full, unrar, hal or
12 # udev, parted, optional python-libtorrent (needed for downloading some
13 # distributions from Internet)
15 depends=('python2' 'pygtk' 'libglade' 'syslinux' 'wget' 'p7zip' 'unrar' 'udev' 'parted' 'gksu')
17 build() {
18     cd $startdir/src/
20     PKG_DIR="../pkg"
21     INSTALL_DIR="$PKG_DIR/usr/share"
22     REAL_INSTALL_DIR="/usr/share"
24         mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR/pixmaps
25     mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR/$pkgname
26     mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR/applications
28         # quick hack to replace python with python2, TODO: make a patch for arch
29         sed -i 's!#\!/usr/bin/env python!#\!/usr/bin/env python2!g' live-usb-install.py
31     cp -r asubprocess.py\
32                   live-usb-install.py\
33                   backg.png\
34                   syslinux-custom.cfg\
35                   grub.exe\
36                   syslinux.mbr\
37                   menu.lst\
38                   syslinux-wingrub.cfg\
39                   live-usb-install.glade\
40                   vesamenu.c32\
41                   logo.png\
42                   presets\
43                   pyudev\
44                   locale\
45                   $INSTALL_DIR/$pkgname
47         cp logo.png $INSTALL_DIR/pixmaps/live-usb-install.png
49         # create desktop entry
50         echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nVersion=1.0\nName=LiveUSB Install\nComment=Tool for creating Live USB drives\nCategories=Application;System;\nExec=gksu python2 /usr/share/$pkgname/live-usb-install.py\nTerminal=false\nType=Application\nName[en_US]=LiveUSB Install\nGenericName[en_US]=LiveUSB Install\nComment[en_US]=Tool for creating Live USB drives\nIcon=live-usb-install" > $INSTALL_DIR/applications/live-usb-install.desktop