updated on Thu Jan 26 16:09:46 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / less-mouse / PKGBUILD
1 # This package is based on the original less package from ABS
2 # Patch by ararus from http://www.linuxquestions.org
3 # (view post http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/less-command-output-i-cannot-scroll-through-it-627821/page2.html?s=3b5e6292d15fca5f10cd901a9bf6c9f2#post3094148)
4 # edited by LemmingKing <lobster@hotmail.ru> and harryNID
5 # changes made to the original patch:
6 # - no environment vars needed
7 # - default scroll is _3_ lines
8 # - Ctrl+scroll scrolls half a page
10 pkgname=less-mouse
11 pkgver=444
12 pkgrel=1
13 pkgdesc="A terminal based program for viewing text files with mouse scroll"
14 license=('GPL3')
15 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
16 url="http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less"
17 depends=('ncurses')
18 makedepends=('patch')
19 provides=('less')
20 conflicts=('less')
21 source=("http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/less-$pkgver.tar.gz" "less-mouse.patch")
22 sha256sums=('be64ad3e22d6d4aa19fe7024d998563a1ce1671ee3625f8851d26b16dedcdeeb'
23             'bd2b01576ac0f994b4bdcdda63512c51f95b86e6e8448d87c830d11e268469d1')
24 build() {
25   cd "${srcdir}/less-${pkgver}"
26   patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/less-mouse.patch" || return 1
27   ./configure --prefix=/usr
28   make || return 1
30 package() {
31   cd "${srcdir}/less-${pkgver}"
32   make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
33   install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/bin"
34   mv "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/less" "${pkgdir}/bin/"