updated on Sat Jan 21 04:00:54 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / xmind / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Christoph Drexler <chrdr at gmx dot at>
2 # Contributor: Jelle van der Waa <jellevdwaa@gmail.com>
4 pkgname=xmind
5 pkgver=3.2.1
6 _pkgdate=201011212218
7 pkgrel=1
8 pkgdesc="Brainstorming and Mind Mapping Software"
9 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
10 [ "${CARCH}" = "i686" ] && _arch="i386"
11 [ "${CARCH}" = "x86_64" ] && _arch="amd64"
12 url="http://www.xmind.net"
13 license=('EPL' 'LGPL')
14 depends=('java-runtime' 'shared-mime-info')
15 optdepends=('lame: needed for some features')
16 install=xmind.install
17 source=(http://dl2.xmind.net/xmind-downloads/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.${_pkgdate}_${_arch}.deb)
18 [ "${CARCH}" = "i686" ] && md5sums=('8ffdf95dd1dfd5d37b5190562f2768a1')
19 [ "${CARCH}" = "x86_64" ] && md5sums=('d08060971bd6eb3531024e81950eee52')
21 build() {
22   cd ${srcdir}
23   ar x ${pkgname}-${pkgver}.${_pkgdate}_${_arch}.deb
24   bsdtar -xf data.tar.gz
27 package() {
28   install -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/xmind/
29   cp -a ${srcdir}/usr/local/xmind/ ${pkgdir}/usr/share/
30   cp -a ${srcdir}/usr/share/ ${pkgdir}/usr/
31   install -d ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/
32   cd ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/
33   ln -s ../../usr/share/xmind/xmind .
35   # getting the config files to the right place...
36   install -d ${pkgdir}/etc/xmind/
37   mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/xmind/configuration/* \
38     ${pkgdir}/etc/xmind/
39   cd ${pkgdir}/usr/share/xmind/configuration/
40   ln -s ../../../../etc/xmind/* .
41   mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/xmind/xmind-bin.ini \
42     ${pkgdir}/etc/xmind/
43   cd ../
44   ln -s ../../../etc/xmind/xmind-bin.ini .
46   # putting the png file where it belongs to
47   install -d ${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/
48   mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/xmind/xmind-logo-36.png \
49     ${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/xmind.png
50   sed -i s!Exec=.*!Exec=/usr/share/xmind/xmind! \
51     ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/xmind.desktop
52   sed -i s!/usr/local/xmind/xmind-logo-36.png!xmind.png! \
53     ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/xmind.desktop