updated on Tue Jan 17 12:00:36 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / splot / PKGBUILD
1 # custom variables
2 _hkgname=splot
3 _licensefile=LICENSE
5 # PKGBUILD options/directives
6 pkgname=splot
7 pkgver=0.2.7
8 pkgrel=2
9 pkgdesc="A tool for visualizing the lifecycle of many concurrent multi-staged processes."
10 url="http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Splot"
11 license=("BSD3")
12 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
13 makedepends=("ghc=7.0.3-2"
14              "haskell-chart=0.14-23"
15              "haskell-hunit="
16              "haskell-bytestring-lexing=0.2.1-19"
17              "haskell-cairo=0.12.1-2"
18              "haskell-colour=2.3.1-18"
19              "haskell-mtl="
20              "haskell-strptime=1.0.2-1")
21 depends=()
22 options=('strip')
23 source=("http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/${_hkgname}/${pkgver}/${_hkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz")
25 sha256sums=("40186b6ef8b6639451ab9e333645269dba8c60c3f7a522ae2ff90495e9e81252")
27 # PKGBUILD functions
28 build() {
29     cd ${srcdir}/${_hkgname}-${pkgver}
31     runhaskell Setup configure -O --prefix=/usr --docdir=/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}
32     runhaskell Setup build
35 package() {
36     cd ${srcdir}/${_hkgname}-${pkgver}
37     runhaskell Setup copy --destdir=${pkgdir}