updated on Tue Jan 17 12:00:36 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / ccl-bin / PKGBUILD
1 # Contributor:  Leslie P. Polzer <polzer@gnu.org>
2 # Contributor:  Fernando L. Canizo <conan@lugmen.org.ar>
3 pkgname=ccl-bin
4 pkgver=1.7
5 pkgrel=1
6 pkgdesc="x86 and x86-64 binary versions of Clozure Common Lisp"
7 url="http://ccl.clozure.com/"
8 license="LGPL"
9 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
10 depends=()
11 source=("ftp://ftp.clozure.com/pub/release/$pkgver/ccl-$pkgver-linuxx86.tar.gz" \
12         ccl.sh)
14 build() {
15   cd $srcdir
16   # all scripts set CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY to /usr/share/ccl without the version number
17   mv ccl-1.7 ccl
19   BINDIR="$pkgdir/usr/bin"
20   PROFILEDIR="$pkgdir/etc/profile.d"
21   DATADIR="$pkgdir/usr/share/"
22   LICENSEDIR="$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/ccl-bin/"
24   # install datadir
25   mkdir -p "$DATADIR"
26   cp -av ccl/ "$DATADIR"
27   find "$DATADIR" -name .svn -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf # remove SVN dirs
29   # install env profile
30   mkdir -p "$PROFILEDIR"
31   cp "$startdir/ccl.sh" "$PROFILEDIR"
33   # install frontend script
34   mkdir -p "$BINDIR"
35   cp -av "$srcdir/ccl/scripts/ccl"{,64} "$BINDIR"
36   sed -i "s#CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY=/usr/local/src/ccl#$(cat "$PROFILEDIR/ccl.sh")#g" "$BINDIR/ccl"{,64}
38   # install license
39   mkdir -p "$LICENSEDIR"
40   install -m644 "$srcdir/ccl/doc/LICENSE" "$LICENSEDIR"
43 md5sums=('e0cb6e0a8ba090b95a85553af769626f'
44          '1d244ef188c6bb9a26582c9298bb6143')
46 sha1sums=('7e0d36f3767aa517507be341d77cb50c4ea06377'
47           'a4b4004532d703b0274e1fe3b411572e3d7e7fe3')