updated on Sat Jan 14 00:11:12 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / gearhead2 / PKGBUILD
1 # Contributor: Tarinaky <tarinaky@hunity.co.uk>
2 pkgname=gearhead2
3 pkgver=0628
4 pkgrel=1
5 pkgdesc="GearHead2 is a giant robot roguelike role playing game set five years after the events of GH1. Features include random plot generation, detailed character creation, tactical/RPG modes, graphical/ASCII interfaces, and many kinds of mecha to play with."
6 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
7 url="http://www.gearheadrpg.com/"
8 license=('unknown')
9 groups=()
10 depends=()
11 makedepends=('fpc')
12 provides=()
13 conflicts=()
14 replaces=()
15 backup=()
16 options=()
17 install=
18 source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/gearhead2/gearhead2/0.628/gh2-0628-source.zip)
19 noextract=()
22 build() {
23   cd "$srcdir"
24   #
25   # BUILD
26   #
27   #./autogen.sh
28   #./configure --prefix=/usr
29   #make || return 1
30   #make DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
31   cd GH2
33   if test $CARCH == "x86_64" ; then
34           ppcx64 -dASCII gearhead || return 1
35   else
36           ppc386 -dASCII gearhead || return 1
37   fi
39   mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/GH2/
40   mv * $pkgdir/usr/share/GH2/
42   echo "#!/bin/bash" > $pkgdir/usr/share/GH2/start-gearhead
43   echo "cd /usr/share/GH2/ || return 1" >> $pkgdir/usr/share/GH2/start-gearhead
44   echo "exec ./gearhead" >> $pkgdir/usr/share/GH2/start-gearhead
45   chmod g+x $pkgdir/usr/share/GH2/start-gearhead
46   mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/bin
47   cp -l $pkgdir/usr/share/GH2/start-gearhead $pkgdir/usr/bin/gearhead
49   mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/GH2/savegame/
51   chgrp -R games $pkgdir/usr/share/GH2/
52   chmod -R g+rw $pkgdir/usr/share/GH2/*
54 md5sums=('ff5f49f02d654302e96e813242daebb6')