1 # Contributor: Gustavo Chain <g@0xff.cl>
5 pkgdesc="The daemon is a Python script that helps to automatically tune the I/O scheduler and the process scheduler to offer better performance for certain applications such as games or audio applications"
7 url="http://www.stardust.webpages.pl/files/tools/deskopt/"
17 source=(http://www.stardust.webpages.pl/files/tools/deskopt/deskopt-005.tar.bz2)
18 md5sums=('9d54de645c9df413c000002e0cf9390c')
21 install -D -m755 ${startdir}/deskopt.sh ${startdir}/pkg/etc/rc.d/deskopt
22 cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
23 install -D -m755 deskopt ${startdir}/pkg/usr/bin/deskopt
24 install -D -m644 deskopt.conf ${startdir}/pkg/etc/deskopt.conf