1 --- a/setup.py 2011-06-26 15:43:53.606745495 -0400
2 +++ b/setup.py 2011-06-26 15:43:43.283312861 -0400
6 def get_yesno( prompt, default ):
8 - answer = raw_input(prompt)
11 - elif answer[0] == 'Y' or answer[0] == 'y':
13 - elif answer[0] == 'N' or answer[0] == 'n':
17 + #answer = raw_input(prompt)
20 + #elif answer[0] == 'Y' or answer[0] == 'y':
22 + #elif answer[0] == 'N' or answer[0] == 'n':
29 print 'Enter the full pathname of the Ghostscript interpreter,'
30 print 'or "+foo" to search the PATH for "foo" at runtime:'
31 - gs = raw_input( '[%s] ' % (default,) )
34 + #gs = raw_input( '[%s] ' % (default,) )
38 f = open( 'epstoimg', 'w' )
39 f.write( '#!/usr/bin/python\n' )