updated on Fri Jan 20 16:18:17 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / lrcshow-x / PKGBUILD
1 # Contributor:          osily <ly50247@gmail.com>
2 pkgname=lrcshow-x
3 _realname=lrcShow-X
4 pkgver=2.0.0
5 _id=103055
6 pkgrel=2
7 pkgdesc="It's a lyrics plugins written by pyqt4, supporting Amarok2, Qmmp, Audacious and other Linux Players with full dbus interface functions"
8 arch=('any')
9 url="http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=103055"
10 license=('GPL')
11 depends=('python2-qt' 'pygobject' 'dbus-python')
12 source=("http://www.kde-apps.org/CONTENT/content-files/$_id-${_realname}_2_0_0.tar.bz2")
13 build() {
14 cd "${srcdir}/${_realname}"
15 sed -i -e 's|#!/usr/bin/python$|#!/usr/bin/python2|' \
16            -e 's|#!/usr/bin/env python$|#!/usr/bin/env python2|' \
17                $(find . -name '*.py')
18 install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
19 install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/"
20 cp -r "${srcdir}/${_realname}/" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/"
21 echo '#!/bin/bash' > ${startdir}/lrcShow-X
22 echo 'cd /usr/share/lrcShow-X/' >> ${startdir}/lrcShow-X
23 echo './lrcShow-X.py "$@" ' >> ${startdir}/lrcShow-X
24 echo 'exit 0' >> ${startdir}/lrcShow-X
25 install -D -m755 "${startdir}/lrcShow-X" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/lrcShow-X"
26 rm ${startdir}/lrcShow-X
28 md5sums=('1056b4512139b3ab12be852b6890cc85')