updated on Thu Jan 19 04:14:35 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / gcc43 / buildfix_new_bison.patch
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158 <h1>View of /gcc/repos/core-i686/buildfix_new_bison.patch</h1>
160 <p style="margin:0;">
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164 | <a href="/viewvc.cgi/gcc/repos/core-i686/buildfix_new_bison.patch?view=log#rev19322"><img src="/static/images/log.png" width="16" height="16" alt="Revision Log" /> Revision Log</a>
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171 <hr />
172 <div class="vc_summary">
173 Revision <a href="/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&amp;revision=19322"><strong>19322</strong></a> -
174 (<a href="/viewvc.cgi/gcc/repos/core-i686/buildfix_new_bison.patch?revision=19322"><strong>download</strong></a>)
176 (<a href="/viewvc.cgi/gcc/repos/core-i686/buildfix_new_bison.patch?annotate=19322"><strong>annotate</strong></a>)
178 <br /><em>Thu Nov 20 11:36:53 2008 UTC</em>
179 (6 months ago)
180 by <em>andyrtr</em>
182 <br />Original Path: <a href="/viewvc.cgi/gcc/trunk/buildfix_new_bison.patch?view=log&amp;pathrev=19322"><em>gcc/trunk/buildfix_new_bison.patch</em></a>
189 <br />File size: 423 byte(s)
193 <pre class="vc_log">upgpkg: gcc 4.3.2-2
194 rebuild for new binutils/glibc</pre>
196 </div>
197 <div id="vc_markup"><pre><PRE>
198 --- gcc/treelang/parse.y 2007-07-18 08:19:29.000000000 +0000
199 +++ gcc/treelang/parse.y.new 2008-11-20 06:40:00.013275486 +0000
200 @@ -369,7 +369,6 @@
201 current_function = NULL;
205 variable_defs_opt:
206 /* Nil. */ {
207 $$ = 0;
208 @@ -685,9 +684,9 @@
210 expressions_with_commas_opt:
211 /* Nil. */ {
212 -$$ = 0
213 +$$ = 0;
215 -|expressions_with_commas { $$ = $1 }
216 +|expressions_with_commas { $$ = $1; }
219 expressions_with_commas:
220 </PRE>
221 </pre></div>
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