1 # arg 1: the new package version
2 # arg 2: the old package version
4 KERNEL_VERSION=2.6.39-one
7 depmod -ae -v $KERNEL_VERSION > /dev/null 2>&1
9 echo "Fan control should now be achieved by the acerhdf kernel module"
10 echo "If you previously used the acerfand script make sure it is deactivated first"
11 echo "Then add acerhdf to the modules section in rc.conf"
12 echo "AND either add \"acerhdf.kernelmode=1\" to the kernel boot line in /boot/grub/menu.lst"
13 echo "OR create /etc/modprobe.d/acerhdf.conf with the following contents:"
14 echo " options acerhdf kernelmode=1"
18 echo "Add the following entry to /boot/grub/menu.lst:"
19 echo "# (next number) Arch Linux"
20 echo "title Arch Linux ArchOne [/boot/vmlinuz-one]"
22 echo "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-one root=/dev/sda1 ro snd_hda_intel.model=acer-aspire"
28 depmod -ae -v $KERNEL_VERSION > /dev/null 2>&1