updated on Sat Jan 21 16:18:39 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / flexibee / PKGBUILD
1 # Contributor: Max Devaine <maxdevaine@gmail.com>
3 pkgname=flexibee
5 pkgver=
6 pkgbasever=10.16
7 #pkgbasever=`echo $pkgver |cut -f1,2 -d.`
9 pkgrel=1
10 pkgdesc="Accounting economic system for person and business. Server and client in one package."
11 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
12 url="http://www.flexibee.eu"
13 license=('WinStrom')
14 depends=('glibc')
15 install=flexibee.install
16 source=("http://download.flexibee.eu/download/$pkgbasever/flexibee-$pkgver.tar.gz"
17         "flexibee")
18 md5sums=('68fe821dd2e6faebb4c868e42f2d75b8'
19          'cac2f86b82117d63de48e48ca1dabed2')
21 build() {
23 cd ${startdir}/src/flexibee-$pkgver
24 rm -rf etc/init.d
25 mkdir etc/rc.d
26 cp ${startdir}/flexibee etc/rc.d/
27 mkdir -p ${startdir}/pkg/
28 mv * ${startdir}/pkg/