updated on Sat Jan 21 16:18:39 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / exim-mysql / aliases
1 #  
2 #  /etc/mail/aliases
4 #  NOTE:  Make sure you run 'newaliases' after modifying this file
7 # Basic system aliases -- these MUST be present.
8 MAILER-DAEMON:  postmaster
9 postmaster:     root
10 hostmaster:     root
11 webmaster:      hostmaster
12 ftpmaster:      hostmaster
13 admin:          hostmaster
14 administrator:  hostmaster
16 # General redirections for pseudo accounts.
17 bin:            root
18 daemon:         root
19 games:          root
20 ingres:         root
21 nobody:         root
22 system:         root
23 toor:           root
24 uucp:           root
26 # Well-known aliases.
27 manager:        root
28 dumper:         root
29 operator:       root
31 # trap decode to catch security attacks
32 decode:         root
34 # Person who should get root's mail
35 #root: