updated on Sun Jan 15 00:02:00 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / desura / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Kirill "reflexing" Churin <reflexing@reflexing.ru>
2 # Contributor: Wido <widowild [at] myopera [dot] com>
4 pkgname=desura
5 pkgver=1
6 pkgrel=18
7 pkgdesc='A community-driven digital distribution service for gamers'
8 url='http://desura.com/'
9 license=('custom: "commercial"')
10 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
11 install=${pkgname}.install
12 options=()
13 depends=(lsb-release orbit2 gtk2 libjpeg6 libpng12 libx11 libxpm libxcb libxau libxdmcp desktop-file-utils xdg-utils)
14 optdepends=('java-runtime: adds java support'
15             'mono: Free implementation of the .NET platform')
17 if [[ $CARCH == i686 ]]; then
18   optdepends+=('nvidia-utils: If you have nvidia graphics'
19               'catalyst-utils: If you have ATI graphics'
20               'glew1.5: if you have install M.A.R.S - a ridiculous shooter'
21               'adobe-air: for Adobe Air-based games')
23   md5sums=('38a3aa1b69189418e823059072da7739'
24            '6f8d2745304da5822762ae84f23e38a2'
25            '323fe242e871e8e07e511b0a0357159c'
26            'd74bf6e5275c0529470593872749a09d')
27 else
28   optdepends+=('lib32-nvidia-utils: If you have nvidia graphics'
29               'lib32-catalyst-utils: If you have ATI graphics'
30               'lib32-curl: if you have install TRAUMA '
31               'lib32-nss: if you have install TRAUMA'
32               'glew1.5: if you have install M.A.R.S - a ridiculous shooter'
33               'bin32-adobe-air: for Adobe Air-based games')
35   md5sums=('3cee8a2935bc1cd61523aaaf23de8e2c'
36            '6f8d2745304da5822762ae84f23e38a2'
37            '323fe242e871e8e07e511b0a0357159c'
38            'd74bf6e5275c0529470593872749a09d') 
41 source=(http://www.desura.com/desura-${CARCH}.tar.gz ${pkgname}.sh ${pkgname}.desktop ${pkgname}.png)
43 package(){
44   cd ${srcdir}
46   # Change permissions
47   install -dm775 -g users ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}
49   # Install Desura
50   install -Dm755 ${pkgname}/${pkgname} \
51     ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/${pkgname}
53   # Install launcher
54   install -Dm 755 ${pkgname}.sh \
55     ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}
57   # Install bootstrapper icon
58   install -m644 -D \
59     ${pkgname}.png \
60     ${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/${pkgname}.png
62   # Install bootstrapper desktop file
63   desktop-file-install -m 644 --dir ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/ ${pkgname}.desktop