1 # Contributor: vn158 <vn158 at seznam dot cz>
3 pkgname=ishisoft-pushover
6 pkgdesc="Remake of Amiga puzzle game. Arrange the dominoes and knock them all over in one go."
8 url="http://ishisoft.remakes.org/"
11 [ "$CARCH" = i686 ] && depends=(wine)
12 [ "$CARCH" = x86_64 ] && depends=(bin32-wine)
14 source=($pkgname http://ishisoft.remakes.org/downloads/ishisoft_pushover__.zip)
15 md5sums=('05e7653dce471f2edc8375065b585c85' '2afdfd4ef1c7cba4799b146dec6d62d8')
22 install -d -m755 pkg/usr/share/$pkgname
24 cp -ra src/Ishisoft\ Pushover/* pkg/usr/share/$pkgname
25 find pkg/usr/share/$pkgname -type d -exec chmod 755 "{}" \;
26 find pkg/usr/share/$pkgname -type f -exec chmod 644 "{}" \;
28 install -d -m755 pkg/usr/bin
29 install -m755 $pkgname pkg/usr/bin
31 ln -s $pkgname $pkgname-editor