updated on Fri Jan 6 16:11:31 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / lib32-boost-libs / PKGBUILD
1 # Contributor : Dan Vratil <dan@progdan.cz>
2 # Maintainer  : andy123 < ajs AT online DOT de >
4 pkgname=lib32-boost-libs
5 pkgver=1.48.0
6 _boostver=1_48_0
7 pkgrel=1
8 pkgdesc="Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries - Runtime (32
9 bit)"
10 arch=('x86_64')
11 url="http://www.boost.org"
12 license=('custom')
13 groups=('lib32')
14 depends=('lib32-bzip2' 'lib32-zlib' 'lib32-gcc-libs')
15 makedepends=('icu' 'bzip2' 'lib32-zlib' 'openmpi' 'gcc-multilib')
16 source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/boost/boost_${_boostver}.tar.gz)
17 md5sums=('313a11e97eb56eb7efd18325354631be')
18 sha1sums=('2199cc3e745a61d45e292ec33af9847252101a46')
20 _stagedir="${srcdir}/stagedir"
22 build()
24   export CC="gcc"
25   export CFLAGS="-m32"
26   export CXX="g++"
27   export CXXFLAGS="-m32"
28   export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/lib32/pkgconfig"
30   # set python path for bjam
31   cd "${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/tools"
32 #  echo "using python : 2.7 : /usr/bin/python2 ;" >> build/v2/user-config.jam
33 #  echo "using python : 3.2 : /usr/bin/python3.2 : /usr/include/python3.2mu :
34 #  /usr/lib32 ;" >> build/v2/user-config.jam
35 #  echo "using mpi ;" >> build/v2/user-config.jam
37   # build bjam
38   cd "${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/tools/build/v2/engine"
39   ./build.sh cc
41   _bindir="bin.linuxx86"
43   install -d "${_stagedir}"/usr/bin
44   install ${_bindir}/bjam "${_stagedir}"/usr/bin/bjam
46   # build bcp
47   cd "${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/tools/bcp"
48   ../build/v2/engine/${_bindir}/bjam --toolset=gcc
49   install -m755 "${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/dist/bin/bcp" \
50                 ${_stagedir}/usr/bin/bcp
52   # build libs
53   cd "${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}"
55   # default "minimal" install: "release link=shared,static
56   # runtime-link=shared threading=single,multi"
57   # --layout=tagged will add the "-mt" suffix for multithreaded libraries
58   # and installs includes in /usr/include/boost.
59   # --layout=system no longer adds the -mt suffix for multi-threaded libs.
60   # install to ${_stagedir} in preparation for split packaging
62   ./tools/build/v2/engine/${_bindir}/bjam \
63       release debug-symbols=off threading=multi \
64       runtime-link=shared link=shared,static \
65       cflags=-fno-strict-aliasing \
66       toolset=gcc \
67           address-model=32 \
68           --without-python \
69       --without-mpi \
70       --prefix="${_stagedir}" \
71       -sTOOLS=gcc \
72       --layout=system \
73       ${MAKEFLAGS} \
74       install
77 package() 
79         install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32"
81         #shared libs
82         cp -r "${_stagedir}"/lib/*.so{,.*} "${pkgdir}/usr/lib32/"
84         # license
85         install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/boost_${_boostver}/LICENSE_1_0.txt" \
86         "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/lib32-boost-libs/LICENSE_1_0.txt