1 # Contributor: Anton Bazhenov <anton.bazhenov at gmail>
2 # Contributor: Christoph Zeiler <archNOSPAM_at_moonblade.dot.org>
3 # Contributor: Ronan Rabouin <darkbaboon@gmail.com>
8 pkgdesc="A Linux port of Raven Game's old shooter, Hexen"
10 url="http://hhexen.sourceforge.net/hhexen.html"
12 depends=('sdl_mixer' 'mesa')
13 optdepends=('hexen1-wad: for data files from the shareware version'
14 'timidity++: for midi music support')
15 source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/$pkgname/$pkgname-$pkgver-src.tgz)
16 md5sums=('a7c73a0d7123d427da24376cc7b3fa5a')
19 cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver-src
22 --with-audio=sdlmixer || return 1
24 install -Dm755 $pkgname-gl "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/$pkgname