1 #Initially I was going to have both dictionaries as seperate packages. But then
2 #I pondered as to who might actually want only one of them, so I combined them.
3 #If someone would really prefer them separate, I'll separate them.
5 # Contributor: Benjamin Vanderford <hazor_at_swrpg_dot_info>
6 pkgname=dict-freedict-eng-fra
9 pkgdesc="English <-> French dictionaries for dictd from Freedict.org (eng-fra 0.20, fra-eng 0.18)"
10 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
11 url="http://www.freedict.org/"
16 #optdepends=('dictd: if you do not already have a tool to utilize these dictionaries')
17 #provides=('dict-freedict-fra-eng')
21 #options=('emptydirs')
22 install=freedict-eng-fra.install
23 source=('http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/freedict/eng-fra.tar.gz' 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/freedict/fra-eng.tar.gz')
25 md5sums=('0e4da356d2e01e953601e08422e8b850' 'e69b7c2dacb74821fcca847c2cabf26e')
31 # /etc/dict/dictd.conf says it looks in /usr/lib/dict, but
32 # it fails to find them there? What am I not understanding?
33 mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/dictd
34 mv $srcdir/bin/eng-fra.dict.dz $srcdir/bin/eng-fra.index $srcdir/fra-eng.dict.dz $srcdir/fra-eng.index $pkgdir/usr/share/dictd