updated on Sun Jan 15 04:04:02 UTC 2012
[aur-mirror.git] / fbsplash-uswsusp / PKGBUILD
1 # $Id:$
2 # Maintainer: Balwinder S "bdheeman" Dheeman (bdheeman AT gmail.com)
3 # Maintainer: Kurt J. Bosch <kujub at quantentunnel dot de>
5 pkgname="fbsplash-uswsusp"
6 pkgver=0.8
7 pkgrel=1
8 pkgdesc="Allows suspend/resume with new userspace and fbsplash"
9 arch=(i686 x86_64)
10 url='http://suspend.sourceforge.net/'
11 license=(GPL)
12 depends=(lzo2 libx86 libgcrypt fbsplash) 
13 makedepends=(libgcrypt gcc make)
14 conflicts=(suspend uswsusp uswsusp-fbsplash)
15 replaces=(suspend uswsusp uswsusp-fbsplash)
16 provides=(uswsusp)
17 backup=(etc/suspend.conf)
18 install=uswsusp.install
19 source=("http://downloads.sourceforge.net/suspend/suspend-${pkgver}.tar.gz"
20         uresume-hook uresume-install fbsplash-type-fix.patch fbsplash-effects-fix.patch)
22 build() {
23     cd $startdir/src/suspend-$pkgver
25     # Fix the splash type: Use 'suspend' and 'resume' instead of 'bootup'
26     patch -Np1 -i ../fbsplash-type-fix.patch || return 1
28     # Make fade effects depend on kernel cmdline
29     # Fix missing fadeout on suspend
30     # Fix progress after resume
31     patch -Np2 -i ../fbsplash-effects-fix.patch || return 1
33     ./configure --enable-compress --enable-encrypt \
34         --disable-resume-static --disable-static \
35         --enable-fbsplash \
36         --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
37     make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1
39     install -D -m 644 ../uresume-hook $startdir/pkg/lib/initcpio/hooks/uresume && \
40     install -D -m 644 ../uresume-install $startdir/pkg/lib/initcpio/install/uresume
43 # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 et:
44 md5sums=('c81817b2ba2be899cdb32c00de016bff'
45          '245e20f8c5e33f6db756331083e4aea6'
46          '4cefb2ede6bd2c7e349b25b1b50b76ca'
47          'ba73824e616ccf50f5e8ebd95be007a0'
48          'e6cf49281a0fe149ba17f1e2b19a2787')