1 no time plan associated - not even an order implied.
3 the indication in parens forecasts the difficulty / bump in version implied.
4 can be either minor, medium or major.
9 - sign module using Module::Signature. (minor)
14 - write more tests. really. (minor)
15 - perform test coverage and fill in the blanks. (medium when 100%)
20 - more error handling. (medium)
21 - more extensive coverage of supported mpd instruction set. (medium)
22 - make Audio::MPD utf-8 aware. (medium)
23 - auto-reconnect. (medium)
28 - song ratings. (major)
29 - support for notifications. (major)
34 Make subs check for permissions before executing
35 Make it possible to use MPD.pm in "light"-mode:
36 For small clients/scripts
37 Don't fetch outputs, commands etc.