1 no time plan associated - not even an order implied.
3 the indication in parens forecasts the difficulty / bump in version implied.
4 can be either minor, medium or major.
9 - sign module using Module::Signature.
14 - creating AM::Stats, on the same model than AM::Status, since a plain
15 hash ref is quite ugly to manipulate, and not encapsulated
18 ** module enhancements
20 - implementing missing methods in am::collection (random, etc.)
21 - extending and harmonizing subs in am::playlist (add() should allow
22 multiple arguments, for example)
23 - what about improving am::status to allow for auto-update?
28 - more extensive coverage of supported mpd instruction set.
29 - better communication with mpd (including auto-reconnect).
34 - mpd proxy adding song ratings on-the-fly.
35 - small daemon watching collcetion dir (inotify) and updating mpd