1 Poe::Component::Client::MPD is a poe component to interact with mpd (Music
2 Player Daemon) servers.
4 it can be created with the following:
5 POE::Component::Client::MPD->spawn;
8 upon creation, it will spawn two things:
9 - a poe::session that will act as a dispatcher for your client
10 - a private poe::component::client::tcp that will handle the communication
13 you aren't allowed, under any circumstance, to try to communicate with the
17 The poe session is acting as a dispatcher. it will receive all the messages
18 and will reroute them to:
19 - either a pococ-mpd-collection object,
20 - or a pococ-mpd-playlist object
24 regarding naming scheme:
25 - since there's no public subs / methods to be called, all subs will begin
26 with an underscore ('_'). this will have the added benefit that tests for
27 pod coverage will be happy. ;)
28 - events that are internal to pococ-mpd (ie, sent from within the same poco)
29 are referred to as private.
31 hanlder: _onpriv_<event_name>()
32 - events that travel between pococ-mpd and pococ-tcp are refered to as
35 hanlder: _onprot_<event_name>()
36 - events that form the api of pococ-mpd are so-called public events.
38 handler: _onpub_<event_name>()