READ-ROW* choked on blank lines. Now it skips them as if they were commented.
[ascii-data.git] / ascii-data.lisp
1 ;;;; ascii-data.lisp
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; A quick and dirty way of loading numerical data from an ASCII
4 ;;;; (text) file into a CL-ARRAY.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; (C) 2012, Sumant S.R. Oemrawsingh
8 (in-package #:ascii-data)
10 (eval-when (compile)
11 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))))
13 (defvar *comment-characters* '(#\# #\' #\;)
14 "LIST of characters that sigal a comment in the data.")
16 ;;;; Utility functions and macros
18 (let ((type-functions
19 (list (list 'integer
20 #'(lambda (string start)
21 (parse-integer string :start start :junk-allowed t))
22 #'(lambda (value &optional formatspec)
23 (format nil (or formatspec "~D") value)))
24 (list 'double-float
25 #'(lambda (string start)
26 (parse-float:parse-float string :start start :type 'double-float :junk-allowed t))
27 #'(lambda (value &optional formatspec)
28 (format nil (or formatspec "~,18,2,,,,'eE") value)))
29 (list 'single-float
30 #'(lambda (string start)
31 (parse-float:parse-float string :start start :type 'single-float :junk-allowed t))
32 #'(lambda (value &optional formatspec)
33 (format nil (or formatspec "~,18,2,,,,'eE") value))))))
35 (defun get-closest-type-function (type)
36 (car (member type type-functions :key #'car :test #'subtypep)))
38 (defun type-reader (type)
39 (or (cadr (get-closest-type-function type))
40 (cadr (get-closest-type-function 'double-float))))
42 (defun type-writer (type)
43 (or (caddr (get-closest-type-function type))
44 (caddr (get-closest-type-function 'double-float)))))
46 (defmacro loop-at-most ((n) &body body)
47 "Modified loop macro that repeats at most N times, if N is a
48 positive integer. Else, the behaviour is the same as LOOP."
49 (let ((total (gensym)))
50 `(let ((,total ,n))
51 (if (numberp ,total)
52 (loop repeat ,total
53 ,@body)
54 (loop ,@body)))))
56 ;;; At the moment, the data is read by creating a list of values. This
57 ;;; list constitutes a row. These rows are then collected into a list,
58 ;;; thus creating a nested list, suitable for providing to
59 ;;; :initial-contents of make-array.
60 ;;;
61 ;;; Another strategy would be to create an adjustable vector with a
62 ;;; fill pointer. Then, vector-push-extend all values into this vector
63 ;;; and finally, having determined the shape of the array, return an
64 ;;; array displaced to that vector (is this even
65 ;;; possible?). Theoretically, this means we could return two values:
66 ;;; the displaced array, and the target vector. A user would then be
67 ;;; free to modify the original vector any way he/she wants
68 ;;; (e.g. adding extra values) and make a new array displaced to the
69 ;;; adjusted vector.
70 ;;;
71 ;;; I'm not sure which approach is "better". Does "better" mean
72 ;;; "faster", or "more flexible"?
73 (defun read-row* (stream reader &optional number-of-columns)
74 "Read a row from STREAM and convert the values using READER. if
75 NUMBER-OF-COLUMNS is given, read at most that many values. The values
76 are returned in a LIST."
77 (let ((row (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
78 while (and line (or (zerop (length line)) (member (char line 0) *comment-characters* :test #'char=)))
79 finally (return line))))
80 (when row
81 (loop-at-most (number-of-columns)
82 with start = 0
83 with value
85 do (multiple-value-bind (val pos)
86 (funcall reader row start)
87 (setf start pos
88 value val))
90 while value
92 collect value))))
94 (defun read-ascii-list* (stream &key (element-type 'single-float)
95 number-of-rows
96 number-of-columns)
97 "Read data from STREAM into a LIST. The elements will have the
98 given ELEMENT-TYPE. Optionally, you can limit the NUMBER-OF-ROWS and
99 NUMBER-OF-COLUMNS that are read, thus truncating the data. If these
100 are not positive integers (e.g. NIL), just read everything."
101 (let ((reader (type-reader element-type)))
102 (loop-at-most (number-of-rows)
103 for row = (read-row* stream reader number-of-columns)
105 unless row
106 do (loop-finish)
108 unless number-of-columns
109 do (setf number-of-columns (length row))
111 collect row)))
113 (defun read-ascii-array* (stream &key (element-type 'single-float)
114 number-of-rows
115 number-of-columns)
116 "Read data from STREAM into a CL-ARRAY. The array will have the
117 given ELEMENT-TYPE. STREAM must contain a rectangular grid of values,
118 i.e. each row must contain the same number of values.
120 NUMBER-OF-ROWS can be used to limit the number of rows that are
121 read. The default is NIL, which will result in all rows being read.
123 NUMBER-OF-COLUMNS works as NUMBER-OF-ROWS, but for columns."
124 (let ((values (read-ascii-list* stream :element-type element-type
125 :number-of-rows number-of-rows
126 :number-of-columns number-of-columns)))
127 (make-array (list (length values) (length (car values)))
128 :element-type element-type
129 :initial-contents values)))
131 (defun read-ascii-array (file &key (element-type 'single-float)
132 number-of-rows
133 number-of-columns)
134 "Read data from FILE into an ARRAY. It opens FILE and calls
135 READ-ASCII-ARRAY* on the resulting stream."
136 (with-open-file (s file :direction :input :element-type 'base-char)
137 (read-ascii-array* s :element-type element-type
138 :number-of-rows number-of-rows
139 :number-of-columns number-of-columns)))
141 (defun read-ascii-vector-or-array* (stream &key (element-type 'single-float)
142 number-of-rows
143 number-of-columns)
144 "Read data from STREAM into an ARRAY or a VECTOR. The array will
145 have the given ELEMENT-TYPE. STREAM must contain a rectangular grid of
146 values, i.e. each row must contain the same number of values.
148 NUMBER-OF-ROWS can be used to limit the number of rows that are
149 read. The default is NIL, which will result in all rows being read.
151 NUMBER-OF-COLUMNS works as NUMBER-OF-ROWS, but for columns.
153 This function uses READ-ASCII-ARRAY*. If the returned ARRAY has only a
154 single row or a single column, the return rank-1 array, a VECTOR, is
155 displaced to that ARRAY. Else the original ARRAY is returned."
156 (let ((read-array (read-ascii-array* stream :element-type element-type
157 :number-of-rows number-of-rows
158 :number-of-columns number-of-columns)))
159 (if (or (= (array-dimension read-array 0) 1)
160 (= (array-dimension read-array 1) 1))
161 (make-array (apply #'* (array-dimensions read-array))
162 :element-type element-type
163 :displaced-to read-array
164 :displaced-index-offset 0)
165 read-array)))
169 #+nil ; Written before I knew about and understood displaced arrays.
170 (defun read-ascii-vector-or-array* (stream &key (element-type 'single-float)
171 number-of-rows
172 number-of-columns)
173 (let* ((values (read-ascii-list* stream :element-type element-type
174 :number-of-rows number-of-rows
175 :number-of-columns number-of-columns))
176 (num-rows (length values))
177 (num-cols (length (car values)))
178 len)
180 (cond ((= num-rows 1)
181 (setf len num-cols
182 values (car values)))
183 ((= num-cols 1)
184 (setf len num-rows
185 values (alexandria:flatten values)))
186 (t (setf len (list num-rows num-cols))))
187 (make-array len
188 :element-type element-type
189 :initial-contents values)))
191 (defun read-ascii-vector-or-array (file &key (element-type 'single-float)
192 number-of-rows
193 number-of-columns)
194 "Read data from FILE into an ARRAY or a VECTOR. It opens FILE and
195 calls READ-ASCII-VECTOR-OR-ARRAY* on the resulting stream."
196 (with-open-file (s file)
197 (read-ascii-vector-or-array* s :element-type element-type
198 :number-of-rows number-of-rows
199 :number-of-columns number-of-columns)))
201 (defun write-ascii-array% (array stream formatspec number-of-rows number-of-columns)
202 (let ((writer (type-writer (array-element-type array))))
203 (loop for row below number-of-rows
204 for start-column = (* row number-of-columns)
205 for stop-column = (+ start-column number-of-columns)
206 do (progn
207 (loop for column from start-column below stop-column
208 do (princ (funcall writer (aref array column) formatspec) stream)
209 unless (= column (- stop-column 1))
210 do (princ " " stream))
211 (terpri stream)))))
213 (defun write-ascii-array* (array stream &key formatspec)
214 "Write the values in ARRAY to the given STREAM, optionally making
215 use of FORMATSPEC, which is a control string for FORMAT to write out a
216 single numerical value."
217 (assert (= (array-rank array) 2))
218 (destructuring-bind (rows columns)
219 (array-dimensions array)
220 (write-ascii-array%
221 (make-array (* rows columns)
222 :element-type (array-element-type array)
223 :displaced-to array
224 :displaced-index-offset 0)
225 stream
226 formatspec
227 rows
228 columns)))
230 (defun write-ascii-array (array file &key formatspec
231 (if-exists :supersede)
232 (if-does-not-exist :create))
233 "Write the values in ARRAY to the given FILE. It opens the FILE and
234 writes the data to the restulting stream using WRITE-ASCII-ARRAY*."
235 (with-open-file (s file :direction :output :if-exists if-exists :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist)
236 (write-ascii-array* array s :formatspec formatspec)))
238 (defun write-ascii-vector-or-array* (vector-or-array stream &key formatspec)
239 "Write the values in VECTOR-OR-ARRAY to the given STREAM, optionally
240 making use of FORMATSPEC, which is a control string for FORMAT to
241 write out a single numerical value."
242 (assert (< (array-rank vector-or-array) 3))
243 (if (= (array-rank vector-or-array) 1)
244 (write-ascii-array% vector-or-array stream formatspec (array-dimension vector-or-array 0) 1)
245 (write-ascii-array* vector-or-array stream :formatspec formatspec)))
247 (defun write-ascii-vector-or-array (vector-or-array file &key formatspec
248 (if-exists :supersede)
249 (if-does-not-exist :create))
250 "Write the values in VECTOR-OR-ARRAY to the given FILE. It opens the FILE and
251 writes the data to the restulting stream using WRITE-ASCII-VECTOR-OR-ARRAY*."
252 (with-open-file (s file :direction :output :if-exists if-exists :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist)
253 (write-ascii-vector-or-array* vector-or-array s :formatspec formatspec)))