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[arrow.git] / TODO
1 * TODO list
2 ** top todo
3   #C1 09-06 post deploy
5 ** everyday
6   - mail list
7     # read kernel mail list (fetchmail it),
8       (lack read, read doc and code more),
9     # read zh-kernel mail list,
10     # read linuxsys mail list, reply,
11   - code update
12     # git pull linux-2.6(make && make install),
13     # sync archlinux, buildroot, busybox, ion3, (qemu, uboot),
14   - English reading, remember it
16 ** working
17 ***  sometimes maintain
18   - web viki,
19   - git.arrow,
20 *** read ebooks
21   -  read ldd3,
22     (understanding linux kernel),
23     (linux kernel design adn implement)
24     (see mips run linux),
25     (understanding linux networking),
26   - kernel/Documentation
27     #C2 08-28 list which to read
28   - x Embedded Linux Primer
29     http://book.opensourceproject.org.cn/embedded/embeddedprime/
30   - Understanding the Linux Kernel 3rd Edition
31     /work/ebooks
32   - Building Embedded Linux Systems
33     /work/ebooks
34   - reading books and the related source code
35     * important *
37 *** archserver
38 **** postfix(mail server)
39     #D2 x08-29 http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix
40     #B1 http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/postfix_tutorial.html
41       - procmail
42       - postfix/mysql
43       - fetchmail
44       - man maildirmake
45       - mailman (mail list)
47     !!! postfix can not send mail with arrow@arrow.archss.org,
48       but can do with arrow@arrow.archss.org@arrow.archss.org
50       - MTA: Postfix
51           www.postfix.org
52       - Encryption: TLS
53           www.ietf.org/html.charters/tls-charter.html
54       - Authentication: Cyrus SASL
55           www.imc.org/ietf-sasl/
57       - Pop/IMAP: Courier IMAP
58           www.courier-mta.org/imap/
59       - Database: MySQL
60           www.mysql.com
61       - Content Check: Amavisd-new
62           www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/
63       - Anti-Spam: SpamAssassin
64           spamassassin.apache.org
65       - Anti-Virus: ClamAV
66           www.clamav.net
67       - PostGrey
68           isg.ee.ethz.ch/tools/postgrey/
69       - WebMail: SquirrelMail
70           www.squirrelmail.org
71       @ webman
72 **** bind(dns server)
73     - man read
75 *** others, need do some tricks to easy work
76     #B2 
77     # rsync with crond, no require pwd input
78     # ion3 desktop category
79     # fetchmail auto
80     #x mutt use mouse
81     #x ssh keygen, rebuild
83 *** netgear spec 1.6 implement 1.2/1.3/1.4
84     # something put into "tips"
85     # research netfilter all
86     # dir: [[ /work/ap3050/develop2/linux-2.6.21.x/net ]]
88 *** web design
89     # css
90       http://www.w3school.com.cn/css/css_syntax_01.asp
91       http://jorux.com/archives/10steps-built-web-with-css/
94 viki-tasks
96 ** backup for tip(tools name list)
97   - meld (diff file, dirs)
99 ** 
100   - markers.txt的内核文档翻译(maillist)
101   - http://www.china-pub.com/31120
103 ** end
104 % vim:ft=viki:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:fdl=1