up, add new config files and delete old tar conf file
[arrow.git] / conf_slk120 / bin / .bin / shell / fetch.py
1 ############################################################
2 ## Vim Email Client v0.2 - POP3 Client ##
3 ## ##
4 ## ##
5 ## Created by David Elentok. ##
6 ## ##
7 ## This software is released under the GPL License. ##
8 ## ##
9 ############################################################
10 # -*- coding: cp1255 -*-
11 __version__ = "0.2"
12 __author__ = "David Elentok (3david@gmail.com)"
13 __copyright__ = "(C) 2005 David Elentok. GNU GPL 2."
15 ############################################################
16 ## Imports
17 import getpass, poplib, email, os, os.path, time, sys
18 import email.Header
19 import sgmllib, cStringIO
22 ############################################################
23 ## Configuration
24 mailboxdir = '/home/arrow/Mail/'
26 ### NOTE: the password field is ignored at the moment
27 accounts = [ ('z_arrow', 'pop3.163.com', 'z_arrow', '') ]
28 #accounts = [ ('account1', 'pop3.server1.com', 'username1', 'password1'),
29 #('account2', 'pop3.server2.com', 'username2', 'password2') ]
31 # the directory where the html2text.py file can be found
32 html2text_dir = mailboxdir
34 sys.path.append(html2text_dir)
35 import html2text
37 ############################################################
38 def get_mailbox_uidls(mailbox):
39 """This function returns a list of all of the uidl (unique id's)
40 inside an .mbx file """
42 mbxfile = "%s\\%s.mbx" % (mailboxdir, mailbox)
44 print "Opening mbx: [%s]" % mbxfile
46 if not os.path.exists(mbxfile):
47 return []
49 fd = open(mbxfile)
51 uidls=[]
53 for line in fd.readlines():
54 if line[0:7] == "* UIDL:":
55 list = line.split(':')
56 uidls.append( list[1].strip() )
58 fd.close()
60 return uidls
62 """This function returns a list of all of the uidl (unique id's) of
63 all of the messages on the server """
65 ############################################################
66 def decode_field(field):
67 """This function is used for decoding the values of message fields
68 (To:, Cc:, Subject:, ..) using python's email.Header.decode_header
69 function."""
70 field = field.replace('\r\n','')
71 field = field.replace('\n','')
73 list = email.Header.decode_header (field)
75 decoded = " ".join(["%s" % k for (k,v) in list])
77 #print "Decoding [%s] to [%s]" % (field, decoded)
79 return decoded
82 ############################################################
83 def string2time (strdate):
84 """ This function converts a string from a date that contains
85 a string in one of the following formats:
86 - %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S
87 - %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S
88 (since some emails come with a date field in the first format,
89 and others come with a date field in the second format)
91 TODO:
92 - maybe add another try+except to the second time.strptime()
93 - use the GMT/.. offset instead of ignoring it
95 """
97 ## these 3 if blocks are used to ignore the GMT/.. offset
98 if not strdate.find('(') == -1:
99 strdate = strdate[0:strdate.find('(')].strip()
101 if not strdate.find('+') == -1:
102 strdate = strdate[0:strdate.find('+')].strip()
104 if not strdate.find('-') == -1:
105 strdate = strdate[0:strdate.find('-')].strip()
107 ## convert the date string into a 9-item tuple
108 try:
109 t = time.strptime(strdate, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")
110 except ValueError, e:
111 t = time.strptime(strdate, "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")
113 return t
115 ############################################################
116 def buildTitle (tm, mailFrom, mailSubject):
117 """ This functions receives 3 parameters:
118 tm = a 9-item tuple that represents the email's date and time
119 mailFrom = the contents of the "From:" field
120 mailSubject = the contents of the "Subject:" field
122 and it returns a title for the email message (used with vim's folding)
123 the title is in this format:
124 * Date and Time | From | Subject
126 the width of "From" is 15 characters by default, it's defined by the
127 from_column_width variable
129 from_column_width = 15
131 # Create Time String
132 strtime = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M",tm)
134 # Create From String
135 strfrom = mailFrom
137 if len(strfrom) > from_column_width:
138 strfrom=strfrom[0:from_column_width]
140 strfrom = strfrom.center(from_column_width)
142 # Create Subject String
143 title = "* %s | %s | %s\r\n" % (strtime, strfrom, mailSubject)
145 return title
148 ############################################################
149 def handleMsg(mailbox, msg, is_subpart=False, strdate=""):
150 """ This function handles a message object recursively, it has
151 several tasks:
152 - save all of the attachments in the message
153 - extract all of the text information into the message body
154 - if the email contains html messages they will be converted
155 into text and added to the message body
156 - extract all of the field information (To, Cc, From, ...)
157 from the message objects
160 global text
161 global attachments
162 global fieldFrom, fieldSubject, fieldTime
164 # Message/RFC822 parts are bundled this way ==============
165 while isinstance(msg.get_payload(),email.Message.Message):
166 msg=msg.get_payload()
168 if not is_subpart:
169 fieldFrom = ""
170 fieldSubject = ""
171 fieldTime = None # fieldTime is a 9-item tuple
172 text = "" # the text contents of a message
173 attachments = ""
175 ## Set the "From" Field ==================================
176 if fieldFrom == "" and msg['From'] != None:
177 text += "To: %s\n" % decode_field(msg['To'])
178 if msg['Cc'] != None:
179 text += "Cc: %s\n" % decode_field(msg['Cc'])
180 if msg['Bcc'] != None:
181 text += "Bcc: %s\n" % decode_field(msg['Bcc'])
182 text += "From: %s\n" % decode_field(msg['From'])
183 fieldFrom = decode_field(msg['From'])
185 ## Set the "Subject" Field ===============================
186 if fieldSubject == "" and msg['Subject'] != None:
187 fieldSubject = decode_field(msg['Subject'])
188 text += "Subject: %s\n" % fieldSubject
190 ## Set the "Date" Field ==================================
191 if fieldTime == None and msg['Date'] != None:
192 fieldTime = string2time(msg['Date'])
193 strdate = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", fieldTime)
195 ## Handle multipart messages recursively =================
196 if msg.is_multipart():
197 for submsg in msg.get_payload():
198 handleMsg(mailbox, submsg, True, strdate)
199 else:
200 fname = msg.get_filename()
201 if fname == None:
202 if msg.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
203 text += "\n%s" % msg.get_payload(decode=1)
204 else:
205 fname = "message.htm"
207 ## Save an attachment to a file ========================
208 if not fname == None:
209 fname = decode_field(fname)
210 filename = "%s\\att_%s\\%s_%s" % (mailboxdir, mailbox, strdate, fname)
211 org_filename = filename
212 i = 1
213 while os.path.exists(filename):
214 path, ext = os.path.splitext(org_filename)
215 filename = "%s (%d)%s" % (path, i, ext)
216 i = i + 1
218 print " Found part: %s" % filename # for debugging purposes
219 attachments += "%s\n" % filename
220 fd = open (filename, "wb")
221 data = msg.get_payload(decode=1)
222 fd.write(data)
224 # convert an html message to text
225 if fname == "message.htm":
226 try:
227 strio = cStringIO.StringIO()
228 html2text.html2text_file(data, out=strio.write)
229 text += strio.getvalue()
230 strio.close()
231 except sgmllib.SGMLParseError, e:
232 print e
234 fd.close()
236 # if this is the toplevel message (the first function that was called by
237 # fetch_mailbox, then return the title of the message
238 if not is_subpart and fieldTime != None:
239 title = buildTitle(fieldTime, fieldFrom, fieldSubject)
240 return title
242 ############################################################
243 def fetch_mailbox((mailbox, host, user, passwd)):
244 """ This function gets an account object as input, this object is a 4-item
245 tuple that contains the mailbox name, the address of the pop3 server,
246 the username to use and the password.
248 What it does is download all of the messages in the server, save the
249 attachments to the $mailbox/attach directory, and save all of the email
250 messages into one .mbx file.
252 This function returns the amount of new messages found
254 TODO:
255 - find a way to encrypt "passwd" instead of asking it from the user
256 each time.
260 global text, attachments
262 ## login to the pop3 server ==============================
263 print
264 print "###### Connecting to %s" % host
265 M = poplib.POP3(host)
266 M.set_debuglevel(1)
267 M.user(user)
268 M.pass_(getpass.getpass())
270 ## create the mailbox and attachments directories if required
271 if not os.path.exists (mailboxdir):
272 print "Creating Directory %s", mailboxdir
273 os.mkdir (mailboxdir)
275 att_dir = "%s\\att_%s" % (mailboxdir, mailbox)
276 if not os.path.exists (att_dir):
277 print "Creating Directory %s", att_dir
278 os.mkdir (att_dir)
281 ## get list of uidls in the mailbox file =================
282 uidls = get_mailbox_uidls(mailbox)
284 ## get number of messages ================================
285 numMessages = len(M.list()[1])
286 print "There are %d messages on the server" % numMessages
289 ## get uidls from server and compare with the uidls in the
290 ## mailbox ===============================================
291 uidls_srv = M.uidl()
292 list = uidls_srv[1]
293 fetchlist = []
294 for item in list:
295 msgno, uidl = item.split(' ')
296 msgno = int(msgno)
297 if not uidl in uidls:
298 print "Found new message: (%d, %s)" % (msgno, uidl)
299 fetchlist.append(msgno)
301 print "There are %d new messages on the server" % len(fetchlist)
303 alltext = "" ## this variable contains the mbox contents
305 ## go over all of the emails =============================
306 for i in fetchlist:
308 flatmsg = ""
310 ## retreive message
311 # for line in M.retr(i+1)[1]:
312 for line in M.retr(i)[1]:
313 flatmsg += line + "\r\n"
315 ## parse message
316 msg = email.message_from_string (flatmsg)
318 ## handle Email.message object
319 title = handleMsg(mailbox, msg)
322 msgtext = "%s\n%s* UIDL: %s\n%s\n\n" % (''.center(70,'#'), title, uidl, text)
323 if not attachments == "":
324 msgtext += "#### Attachments:\n%s" % attachments
326 alltext = msgtext.replace('\r\n','\n') + alltext
328 ## add 'alltext' to the beginning of the mailbox file ====
329 mboxfile = "%s\\%s.mbx" % (mailboxdir, mailbox)
330 contents = ""
331 if os.path.exists(mboxfile):
332 mbox = open(mboxfile, "rt")
333 contents = mbox.read()
334 mbox.close()
336 mbox = open(mboxfile, "wt")
337 mbox.write (alltext)
338 if contents != "":
339 mbox.write (contents)
341 mbox.close()
343 return len(fetchlist)
345 ############################################################
347 if __name__ == "__main__":
348 summary = []
349 for account in accounts:
350 newMessages = fetch_mailbox (account)
351 if newMessages > 0:
352 summary.append((account[0], newMessages))
354 if len(summary) > 0:
355 print
356 print "Summary: "
358 for account,msgs in summary:
359 print " %s: %d new messages" % (account,msgs)