AP_TemperatureSensor: allow AP_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_DUMMY_METHODS_ENABLED to be overridden
[ardupilot.git] / ArduPlane / mode_qrtl.cpp
1 #include "mode.h"
2 #include "Plane.h"
6 bool ModeQRTL::_enter()
8 // treat QRTL as QLAND if we are in guided wait takeoff state, to cope
9 // with failsafes during GUIDED->AUTO takeoff sequence
10 if (plane.quadplane.guided_wait_takeoff_on_mode_enter) {
11 plane.set_mode(plane.mode_qland, ModeReason::QLAND_INSTEAD_OF_RTL);
12 return true;
14 submode = SubMode::RTL;
15 plane.prev_WP_loc = plane.current_loc;
17 int32_t RTL_alt_abs_cm = plane.home.alt + quadplane.qrtl_alt*100UL;
18 if (quadplane.motors->get_desired_spool_state() == AP_Motors::DesiredSpoolState::THROTTLE_UNLIMITED) {
19 // VTOL motors are active, either in VTOL flight or assisted flight
20 Location destination = plane.calc_best_rally_or_home_location(plane.current_loc, RTL_alt_abs_cm);
21 const float dist = plane.current_loc.get_distance(destination);
22 const float radius = get_VTOL_return_radius();
24 // Climb at least to a cone around home of hight of QRTL alt and radius of radius
25 // Always climb up to at least Q_RTL_ALT_MIN, constrain Q_RTL_ALT_MIN between Q_LAND_FINAL_ALT and Q_RTL_ALT
26 const float min_climb = constrain_float(quadplane.qrtl_alt_min, quadplane.land_final_alt, quadplane.qrtl_alt);
27 const float target_alt = MAX(quadplane.qrtl_alt * (dist / MAX(radius, dist)), min_climb);
31 const bool use_terrain = plane.terrain_enabled_in_mode(mode_number());
32 #else
33 const bool use_terrain = false;
34 #endif
36 const float dist_to_climb = target_alt - plane.relative_ground_altitude(plane.g.rangefinder_landing, use_terrain);
37 if (is_positive(dist_to_climb)) {
38 // climb before returning, only next waypoint altitude is used
39 submode = SubMode::climb;
40 plane.next_WP_loc = plane.current_loc;
42 int32_t curent_alt_terrain_cm;
43 if (use_terrain && plane.current_loc.get_alt_cm(Location::AltFrame::ABOVE_TERRAIN, curent_alt_terrain_cm)) {
44 plane.next_WP_loc.set_alt_cm(curent_alt_terrain_cm + dist_to_climb * 100UL, Location::AltFrame::ABOVE_TERRAIN);
45 return true;
47 #endif
48 plane.next_WP_loc.set_alt_cm(plane.current_loc.alt + dist_to_climb * 100UL, plane.current_loc.get_alt_frame());
49 return true;
51 } else if (dist < radius) {
52 // Above home "cone", return at curent altitude if lower than QRTL alt
53 int32_t current_alt_abs_cm;
54 if (plane.current_loc.get_alt_cm(Location::AltFrame::ABSOLUTE, current_alt_abs_cm)) {
55 RTL_alt_abs_cm = MIN(RTL_alt_abs_cm, current_alt_abs_cm);
58 // we're close to destination and already running VTOL motors, don't transition and don't climb
59 gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"VTOL position1 d=%.1f r=%.1f", dist, radius);
60 poscontrol.set_state(QuadPlane::QPOS_POSITION1);
64 // use do_RTL() to setup next_WP_loc
65 plane.do_RTL(RTL_alt_abs_cm);
66 quadplane.poscontrol_init_approach();
68 int32_t from_alt;
69 int32_t to_alt;
70 if (plane.current_loc.get_alt_cm(Location::AltFrame::ABSOLUTE,from_alt) && plane.next_WP_loc.get_alt_cm(Location::AltFrame::ABSOLUTE,to_alt)) {
71 poscontrol.slow_descent = from_alt > to_alt;
72 return true;
74 // default back to old method
75 poscontrol.slow_descent = (plane.current_loc.alt > plane.next_WP_loc.alt);
76 return true;
79 void ModeQRTL::update()
81 plane.mode_qstabilize.update();
85 handle QRTL mode
87 void ModeQRTL::run()
89 const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
90 if (quadplane.tailsitter.in_vtol_transition(now)) {
91 // Tailsitters in FW pull up phase of VTOL transition run FW controllers
92 Mode::run();
93 return;
96 switch (submode) {
97 case SubMode::climb: {
98 // request zero velocity
99 Vector2f vel, accel;
100 pos_control->input_vel_accel_xy(vel, accel);
101 quadplane.run_xy_controller();
103 // nav roll and pitch are controller by position controller
104 plane.nav_roll_cd = pos_control->get_roll_cd();
105 plane.nav_pitch_cd = pos_control->get_pitch_cd();
107 plane.quadplane.assign_tilt_to_fwd_thr();
109 if (quadplane.transition->set_VTOL_roll_pitch_limit(plane.nav_roll_cd, plane.nav_pitch_cd)) {
110 pos_control->set_externally_limited_xy();
112 // weathervane with no pilot input
113 quadplane.disable_yaw_rate_time_constant();
114 attitude_control->input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(plane.nav_roll_cd,
115 plane.nav_pitch_cd,
116 quadplane.get_weathervane_yaw_rate_cds());
118 // climb at full WP nav speed
119 quadplane.set_climb_rate_cms(quadplane.wp_nav->get_default_speed_up());
120 quadplane.run_z_controller();
122 // Climb done when stopping point reaches target altitude
123 Vector3p stopping_point;
124 pos_control->get_stopping_point_z_cm(stopping_point.z);
125 Location stopping_loc = Location(stopping_point.tofloat(), Location::AltFrame::ABOVE_ORIGIN);
127 ftype alt_diff;
128 if (!stopping_loc.get_alt_distance(plane.next_WP_loc, alt_diff) || is_positive(alt_diff)) {
129 // climb finished or cant get alt diff, head home
130 submode = SubMode::RTL;
131 plane.prev_WP_loc = plane.current_loc;
133 int32_t RTL_alt_abs_cm = plane.home.alt + quadplane.qrtl_alt*100UL;
134 Location destination = plane.calc_best_rally_or_home_location(plane.current_loc, RTL_alt_abs_cm);
135 const float dist = plane.current_loc.get_distance(destination);
136 const float radius = get_VTOL_return_radius();
137 if (dist < radius) {
138 // if close to home return at current target altitude
139 int32_t target_alt_abs_cm;
140 if (plane.next_WP_loc.get_alt_cm(Location::AltFrame::ABSOLUTE, target_alt_abs_cm)) {
141 RTL_alt_abs_cm = MIN(RTL_alt_abs_cm, target_alt_abs_cm);
143 gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"VTOL position1 d=%.1f r=%.1f", dist, radius);
144 poscontrol.set_state(QuadPlane::QPOS_POSITION1);
147 plane.do_RTL(RTL_alt_abs_cm);
148 quadplane.poscontrol_init_approach();
149 if (plane.current_loc.get_alt_distance(plane.next_WP_loc, alt_diff)) {
150 poscontrol.slow_descent = is_positive(alt_diff);
151 } else {
152 // default back to old method
153 poscontrol.slow_descent = (plane.current_loc.alt > plane.next_WP_loc.alt);
156 break;
159 case SubMode::RTL: {
160 quadplane.vtol_position_controller();
161 if (poscontrol.get_state() > QuadPlane::QPOS_POSITION2) {
162 // change target altitude to home alt
163 plane.next_WP_loc.alt = plane.home.alt;
165 if (poscontrol.get_state() >= QuadPlane::QPOS_POSITION2) {
166 // start landing logic
167 quadplane.verify_vtol_land();
170 // when in approach allow stick mixing
171 if (quadplane.poscontrol.get_state() == QuadPlane::QPOS_AIRBRAKE ||
172 quadplane.poscontrol.get_state() == QuadPlane::QPOS_APPROACH) {
173 plane.stabilize_stick_mixing_fbw();
175 break;
179 // Stabilize with fixed wing surfaces
180 plane.stabilize_roll();
181 plane.stabilize_pitch();
185 update target altitude for QRTL profile
187 void ModeQRTL::update_target_altitude()
190 update height target in approach
192 if ((submode != SubMode::RTL) || (plane.quadplane.poscontrol.get_state() != QuadPlane::QPOS_APPROACH)) {
193 Mode::update_target_altitude();
194 return;
198 initially approach at RTL_ALT_CM, then drop down to QRTL_ALT based on maximum sink rate from TECS,
199 giving time to lose speed before we transition
201 const float radius = MAX(fabsf(float(plane.aparm.loiter_radius)), fabsf(float(plane.g.rtl_radius)));
202 const float rtl_alt_delta = MAX(0, plane.g.RTL_altitude - plane.quadplane.qrtl_alt);
203 const float sink_time = rtl_alt_delta / MAX(0.6*plane.TECS_controller.get_max_sinkrate(), 1);
204 const float sink_dist = plane.aparm.airspeed_cruise * sink_time;
205 const float dist = plane.auto_state.wp_distance;
206 const float rad_min = 2*radius;
207 const float rad_max = 20*radius;
208 float alt = linear_interpolate(0, rtl_alt_delta,
209 dist,
210 rad_min, MAX(rad_min, MIN(rad_max, rad_min+sink_dist)));
211 Location loc = plane.next_WP_loc;
212 loc.alt += alt*100;
213 plane.set_target_altitude_location(loc);
216 // only nudge during approach
217 bool ModeQRTL::allows_throttle_nudging() const
219 return (submode == SubMode::RTL) && (plane.quadplane.poscontrol.get_state() == QuadPlane::QPOS_APPROACH);
222 // Return the radius from destination at which pure VTOL flight should be used, no transition to FW
223 float ModeQRTL::get_VTOL_return_radius() const
225 return MAX(fabsf(float(plane.aparm.loiter_radius)), fabsf(float(plane.g.rtl_radius))) * 1.5;
228 #endif