AP_TemperatureSensor: allow AP_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_DUMMY_METHODS_ENABLED to be overridden
[ardupilot.git] / ArduPlane / ekf_check.cpp
1 #include "Plane.h"
3 /**
5 * Detects failures of the ekf or inertial nav system triggers an alert
6 * to the pilot and helps take countermeasures
8 */
11 # define EKF_CHECK_ITERATIONS_MAX 10 // 1 second (ie. 10 iterations at 10hz) of bad variances signals a failure
12 #endif
15 # define EKF_CHECK_WARNING_TIME (30*1000) // warning text messages are sent to ground no more than every 30 seconds
16 #endif
18 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 // EKF_check structure
20 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 static struct {
22 uint8_t fail_count; // number of iterations ekf or dcm have been out of tolerances
23 bool bad_variance; // true if ekf should be considered untrusted (fail_count has exceeded EKF_CHECK_ITERATIONS_MAX)
24 uint32_t last_warn_time; // system time of last warning in milliseconds. Used to throttle text warnings sent to GCS
25 bool failsafe_on; // true when the loss of navigation failsafe is on
26 } ekf_check_state;
28 // ekf_check - detects if ekf variance are out of tolerance and triggers failsafe
29 // should be called at 10hz
30 void Plane::ekf_check()
32 // ensure EKF_CHECK_ITERATIONS_MAX is at least 7
33 static_assert(EKF_CHECK_ITERATIONS_MAX >= 7, "EKF_CHECK_ITERATIONS_MAX must be at least 7");
35 // exit immediately if ekf has no origin yet - this assumes the origin can never become unset
36 Location temp_loc;
37 if (!ahrs.get_origin(temp_loc)) {
38 return;
41 // return immediately if motors are not armed, or ekf check is disabled
42 bool ekf_check_disabled = !plane.arming.is_armed() || (g2.fs_ekf_thresh <= 0.0f);
44 if (!quadplane.in_vtol_posvel_mode()) {
45 ekf_check_disabled = true;
47 #endif
48 if (ekf_check_disabled) {
49 ekf_check_state.fail_count = 0;
50 ekf_check_state.bad_variance = false;
51 AP_Notify::flags.ekf_bad = ekf_check_state.bad_variance;
52 failsafe_ekf_off_event(); // clear failsafe
53 return;
56 // compare compass and velocity variance vs threshold
57 if (ekf_over_threshold()) {
58 // if compass is not yet flagged as bad
59 if (!ekf_check_state.bad_variance) {
60 // increase counter
61 ekf_check_state.fail_count++;
62 if (ekf_check_state.fail_count == (EKF_CHECK_ITERATIONS_MAX-2)) {
63 // we are two iterations away from declaring an EKF failsafe, ask the EKF if we can reset
64 // yaw to resolve the issue
65 ahrs.request_yaw_reset();
67 if (ekf_check_state.fail_count == (EKF_CHECK_ITERATIONS_MAX-1)) {
68 // we are just about to declare a EKF failsafe, ask the EKF if we can
69 // change lanes to resolve the issue
70 ahrs.check_lane_switch();
72 // if counter above max then trigger failsafe
73 if (ekf_check_state.fail_count >= EKF_CHECK_ITERATIONS_MAX) {
74 // limit count from climbing too high
75 ekf_check_state.fail_count = EKF_CHECK_ITERATIONS_MAX;
76 ekf_check_state.bad_variance = true;
78 // send message to gcs
79 if ((AP_HAL::millis() - ekf_check_state.last_warn_time) > EKF_CHECK_WARNING_TIME) {
80 gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"EKF variance");
81 ekf_check_state.last_warn_time = AP_HAL::millis();
83 failsafe_ekf_event();
86 } else {
87 // reduce counter
88 if (ekf_check_state.fail_count > 0) {
89 ekf_check_state.fail_count--;
91 // if compass is flagged as bad and the counter reaches zero then clear flag
92 if (ekf_check_state.bad_variance && ekf_check_state.fail_count == 0) {
93 ekf_check_state.bad_variance = false;
95 // clear failsafe
96 failsafe_ekf_off_event();
101 // set AP_Notify flags
102 AP_Notify::flags.ekf_bad = ekf_check_state.bad_variance;
104 // To-Do: add ekf variances to extended status
107 // ekf_over_threshold - returns true if the ekf's variance are over the tolerance
108 bool Plane::ekf_over_threshold()
110 // return false immediately if disabled
111 if (g2.fs_ekf_thresh <= 0.0f) {
112 return false;
115 // Get EKF innovations normalised wrt the innovation test limits.
116 // A value above 1.0 means the EKF has rejected that sensor data
117 float position_variance, vel_variance, height_variance, tas_variance;
118 Vector3f mag_variance;
119 if (!ahrs.get_variances(vel_variance, position_variance, height_variance, mag_variance, tas_variance)) {
120 return false;
123 // The EKF rejects all magnetometer axes if any single axis exceeds limits
124 // so take the maximum of all axes
125 const float mag_max = fmaxf(fmaxf(mag_variance.x,mag_variance.y),mag_variance.z);
127 // Assign a score to each over threshold based on severity
128 uint8_t over_thresh_count = 0;
129 if (mag_max >= g2.fs_ekf_thresh) {
130 over_thresh_count++;
133 if (vel_variance >= (2.0f * g2.fs_ekf_thresh)) {
134 over_thresh_count += 2;
135 } else if (vel_variance >= g2.fs_ekf_thresh) {
136 over_thresh_count++;
139 // Position is the most important so accept a lower score from other sensors if position failed
140 if ((position_variance >= g2.fs_ekf_thresh && over_thresh_count >= 1) || over_thresh_count >= 2) {
141 return true;
144 return false;
148 // failsafe_ekf_event - perform ekf failsafe
149 void Plane::failsafe_ekf_event()
151 // return immediately if ekf failsafe already triggered
152 if (ekf_check_state.failsafe_on) {
153 return;
156 // EKF failsafe event has occurred
157 ekf_check_state.failsafe_on = true;
160 // if not in a VTOL mode requiring position, then nothing needs to be done
162 if (!quadplane.in_vtol_posvel_mode()) {
163 return;
166 if (quadplane.in_vtol_auto()) {
167 // the pilot is not controlling via sticks so switch to QLAND
168 plane.set_mode(mode_qland, ModeReason::EKF_FAILSAFE);
169 } else {
170 // the pilot is controlling via sticks so fallbacl to QHOVER
171 plane.set_mode(mode_qhover, ModeReason::EKF_FAILSAFE);
173 #endif
176 // failsafe_ekf_off_event - actions to take when EKF failsafe is cleared
177 void Plane::failsafe_ekf_off_event(void)
179 // return immediately if not in ekf failsafe
180 if (!ekf_check_state.failsafe_on) {
181 return;
184 ekf_check_state.failsafe_on = false;