Update wscripts for portability and steps towards waf 1.6 migration.
[ardour2.git] / libs / ardour / wscript
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 import autowaf
3 import os
4 import glob
5 import Options
6 import re
7 import subprocess
9 # Version of this package (even if built as a child)
10 MAJOR = '3'
11 MINOR = '0'
12 MICRO = '0'
15 # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
16 # major increment <=> incompatible changes
17 # minor increment <=> compatible changes (additions)
18 # micro increment <=> no interface changes
21 # default state file version for this build
24 # Variables for 'waf dist'
25 APPNAME = 'libardour'
28 # Mandatory variables
29 srcdir = '.'
30 blddir = 'build'
32 path_prefix = 'libs/ardour/'
34 libardour_sources = [
35 'amp.cc',
36 'analyser.cc',
37 'audio_buffer.cc',
38 'audio_diskstream.cc',
39 'audio_library.cc',
40 'audio_playlist.cc',
41 'audio_playlist_importer.cc',
42 'audio_playlist_source.cc',
43 'audio_port.cc',
44 'audio_region_importer.cc',
45 'audio_track.cc',
46 'audio_track_importer.cc',
47 'audioanalyser.cc',
48 'audioengine.cc',
49 'audiofile_tagger.cc',
50 'audiofilesource.cc',
51 'audioregion.cc',
52 'audiosource.cc',
53 'auditioner.cc',
54 'automatable.cc',
55 'automation.cc',
56 'automation_control.cc',
57 'automation_list.cc',
58 'beats_frames_converter.cc',
59 'broadcast_info.cc',
60 'buffer.cc',
61 'buffer_manager.cc',
62 'buffer_set.cc',
63 'bundle.cc',
64 'butler.cc',
65 'callback.cc',
66 'capturing_processor.cc',
67 'chan_count.cc',
68 'chan_mapping.cc',
69 'configuration.cc',
70 'config_text.cc',
71 'control_protocol_manager.cc',
72 'control_protocol_search_path.cc',
73 'crossfade.cc',
74 'cycle_timer.cc',
75 'data_type.cc',
76 'default_click.cc',
77 'debug.cc',
78 'delivery.cc',
79 'directory_names.cc',
80 'diskstream.cc',
81 'element_import_handler.cc',
82 'element_importer.cc',
83 'enums.cc',
84 'event_type_map.cc',
85 'export_channel.cc',
86 'export_channel_configuration.cc',
87 'export_failed.cc',
88 'export_filename.cc',
89 'export_format_base.cc',
90 'export_format_manager.cc',
91 'export_format_specification.cc',
92 'export_formats.cc',
93 'export_formats_search_path.cc',
94 'export_graph_builder.cc',
95 'export_handler.cc',
96 'export_preset.cc',
97 'export_profile_manager.cc',
98 'export_status.cc',
99 'export_timespan.cc',
100 'file_source.cc',
101 'filename_extensions.cc',
102 'filesystem_paths.cc',
103 'filter.cc',
104 'find_session.cc',
105 'gain.cc',
106 'globals.cc',
107 'graph.cc',
108 'graphnode.cc',
109 'import.cc',
110 'internal_return.cc',
111 'internal_send.cc',
112 'interpolation.cc',
113 'io.cc',
114 'io_processor.cc',
115 'jack_slave.cc',
116 'ladspa_plugin.cc',
117 'location.cc',
118 'location_importer.cc',
119 'meter.cc',
120 'midi_automation_list_binder.cc',
121 'midi_buffer.cc',
122 'midi_clock_slave.cc',
123 'midi_diskstream.cc',
124 'midi_model.cc',
125 'midi_patch_manager.cc',
126 'midi_playlist.cc',
127 'midi_port.cc',
128 'midi_region.cc',
129 'midi_ring_buffer.cc',
130 'midi_source.cc',
131 'midi_state_tracker.cc',
132 'midi_stretch.cc',
133 'midi_track.cc',
134 'midi_ui.cc',
135 'mix.cc',
136 'monitor_processor.cc',
137 'mtc_slave.cc',
138 'mtdm.cc',
139 'mute_master.cc',
140 'named_selection.cc',
141 'onset_detector.cc',
142 'operations.cc',
143 'pan_controllable.cc',
144 'pannable.cc',
145 'panner.cc',
146 'panner_manager.cc',
147 'panner_search_path.cc',
148 'panner_shell.cc',
149 'pcm_utils.cc',
150 'pi_controller.cc',
151 'playlist.cc',
152 'playlist_factory.cc',
153 'playlist_source.cc',
154 'plugin.cc',
155 'plugin_insert.cc',
156 'plugin_manager.cc',
157 'port.cc',
158 'port_insert.cc',
159 'port_set.cc',
160 'process_thread.cc',
161 'processor.cc',
162 'progress.cc',
163 'quantize.cc',
164 'rc_configuration.cc',
165 'recent_sessions.cc',
166 'region_factory.cc',
167 'resampled_source.cc',
168 'region.cc',
169 'return.cc',
170 'reverse.cc',
171 'route.cc',
172 'route_group.cc',
173 'route_group_member.cc',
174 'rb_effect.cc',
175 'send.cc',
176 'session.cc',
177 'session_butler.cc',
178 'session_click.cc',
179 'session_command.cc',
180 'session_configuration.cc',
181 'session_directory.cc',
182 'session_events.cc',
183 'session_export.cc',
184 'session_handle.cc',
185 'session_metadata.cc',
186 'session_midi.cc',
187 'session_object.cc',
188 'session_playlists.cc',
189 'session_process.cc',
190 'session_rtevents.cc',
191 'session_state.cc',
192 'session_state_utils.cc',
193 'session_time.cc',
194 'session_transport.cc',
195 'session_utils.cc',
196 'slave.cc',
197 'smf_source.cc',
198 'sndfile_helpers.cc',
199 'sndfileimportable.cc',
200 'sndfilesource.cc',
201 'source.cc',
202 'source_factory.cc',
203 'speakers.cc',
204 'strip_silence.cc',
205 'svn_revision.cc',
206 'tape_file_matcher.cc',
207 'template_utils.cc',
208 'tempo.cc',
209 'tempo_map_importer.cc',
210 'thread_buffers.cc',
211 'ticker.cc',
212 'track.cc',
213 'transient_detector.cc',
214 'unknown_processor.cc',
215 'user_bundle.cc',
216 'utils.cc',
217 'version.cc'
220 def flac_supported():
221 cmd = subprocess.Popen ("sndfile-info testfile.flac",
222 stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
223 stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, shell = True)
224 out = cmd.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8');
225 return re.search ('unknown format', out) == None
227 def ogg_supported():
228 cmd = subprocess.Popen ("sndfile-info testfile.ogg",
229 stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
230 stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, shell = True)
231 out = cmd.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8');
232 return re.search ('unknown format', out) == None
234 def set_options(opt):
235 autowaf.set_options(opt)
237 def configure(conf):
238 autowaf.build_version_files(
239 path_prefix + 'ardour/version.h',
240 path_prefix + 'version.cc',
241 'libardour3', MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO)
242 autowaf.configure(conf)
243 conf.check_tool('compiler_cxx gas')
244 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'aubio', uselib_store='AUBIO',
245 atleast_version='0.3.2')
246 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'jack', uselib_store='JACK',
247 atleast_version='0.118.2')
248 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'libxml-2.0', uselib_store='XML')
249 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'lrdf', uselib_store='LRDF',
250 atleast_version='0.4.0')
251 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'samplerate', uselib_store='SAMPLERATE',
252 atleast_version='0.1.0')
253 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'sigc++-2.0', uselib_store='SIGCPP',
254 atleast_version='2.0')
255 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'lilv-0', uselib_store='LILV',
256 atleast_version='0.0.0', mandatory=False)
257 if conf.env['HAVE_LILV']:
258 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'suil-0', uselib_store='SUIL',
259 atleast_version='0.2.0', mandatory=False)
260 else:
261 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'slv2', uselib_store='SLV2',
262 atleast_version='0.6.4', mandatory=False)
263 if conf.env['HAVE_SLV2']:
264 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'rasqal', uselib_store='RASQAL',
265 atleast_version='0.9.14', mandatory=False)
266 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'soundtouch-1.0', uselib_store='SOUNDTOUCH',
267 mandatory=False)
268 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'cppunit', uselib_store='CPPUNIT',
269 atleast_version='1.12.0', mandatory=False)
270 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'ogg', uselib_store='OGG', atleast_version='1.1.2')
271 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'flac', uselib_store='FLAC',
272 atleast_version='1.2.1')
273 autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'libcurl', uselib_store='CURL',
274 atleast_version='7.0.0')
276 # we don't try to detect this, since its part of our source tree
278 conf.define('HAVE_RUBBERBAND', 1) # controls whether we think we have it
279 conf.define('USE_RUBBERBAND', 1) # controls whether we actually use it
283 conf.check(header_name='sys/vfs.h', define_name='HAVE_SYS_VFS_H')
284 conf.check(header_name='wordexp.h', define_name='HAVE_WORDEXP')
286 conf.check(header_name='jack/session.h', uselib = [ 'JACK' ],
287 define_name='HAVE_JACK_SESSION')
289 conf.check(header_name='unistd.h', define_name='HAVE_UNISTD')
291 conf.check_cc(fragment = '''
292 #include <jack/jack.h>
293 void callback(int code, const char* reason, void* arg) { return; }
294 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
295 jack_client_t* c;
296 jack_on_info_shutdown(c, callback, (void*) 0);
297 return 0;
298 }''',
299 uselib= [ 'JACK' ],
300 msg = 'Checking for jack_on_info_shutdown',
301 define_name = 'HAVE_JACK_ON_INFO_SHUTDOWN',
302 okmsg = 'present')
304 missing_jack_message = '''missing - a version of JACK that supports \
305 jack_port_set_latency_range() is required to compile Ardour3. Currently this\
306 means using JACK version 0.120.1 from http://www.jackaudio.org/download'''
308 conf.check_cc(fragment = '''
309 #include <jack/jack.h>
310 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
311 jack_port_t* p;
312 jack_latency_range_t r;
313 jack_port_set_latency_range(p, JackCaptureLatency, &r);
314 return 0;
315 }''',
316 uselib = [ 'JACK' ],
317 msg = 'Checking for new JACK latency API',
318 okmsg = 'present',
319 mandatory = True,
320 errmsg = missing_jack_message)
322 conf.check_cc(fragment = '''
323 #include <jack/jack.h>
324 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
325 jack_port_type_get_buffer_size((jack_client_t*)0, "");
326 return 0;
327 }''',
328 uselib = [ 'JACK' ],
329 msg = 'Checking for new jack_port_type_get_buffer_size',
330 okmsg = 'present',
331 mandatory = True,
332 errmsg = missing_jack_message)
334 if flac_supported():
335 conf.define ('HAVE_FLAC', 1)
336 if ogg_supported():
337 conf.define ('HAVE_OGG', 1)
339 if conf.env['HAVE_LILV'] or conf.env['HAVE_SLV2']:
340 conf.define ('LV2_SUPPORT', 1)
342 conf.write_config_header('libardour-config.h')
344 # Boost headers
345 autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp')
346 autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp')
347 autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/scoped_ptr.hpp')
348 autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/ptr_container/ptr_list.hpp')
351 def build(bld):
352 # Library
353 obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib')
354 obj.source = libardour_sources
355 obj.export_incdirs = ['.']
356 obj.includes = ['.', '../surfaces/control_protocol', '..']
357 obj.name = 'libardour'
358 obj.target = 'ardour'
359 obj.uselib = ['GLIBMM','GTHREAD','AUBIO','SIGCPP','XML','UUID',
361 'OSX','BOOST','CURL','DL']
362 obj.uselib_local = ['libpbd','libmidipp','libevoral','libvamphost',
363 'libvampplugin','libtaglib','librubberband',
364 'libaudiographer']
366 obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3')
367 obj.defines = [
368 'PACKAGE="libardour3"',
369 'DATA_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']) + '"',
370 'CONFIG_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['CONFIGDIR']) + '"',
371 'MODULE_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']) + '"',
372 'LOCALEDIR="' + os.path.join(
373 os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']), 'locale') + '"',
374 'VAMP_DIR="' + os.path.join(
375 os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']), 'ardour3', 'vamp') + '"',
376 'PROGRAM_NAME="' + bld.env['PROGRAM_NAME'] + '"'
379 #obj.source += ' st_stretch.cc st_pitch.cc '
380 #obj.uselib += ' SOUNDTOUCH '
381 #obj.add_objects = 'default/libs/surfaces/control_protocol/smpte_1.o'
383 if bld.env['HAVE_LILV']:
384 obj.source += [ 'lv2_plugin_lilv.cc', 'lv2_event_buffer.cc',
385 'uri_map.cc', 'rdff.c' ]
386 obj.uselib += ['LILV']
387 if bld.env['HAVE_SUIL']:
388 obj.uselib += ['SUIL']
389 elif bld.env['HAVE_SLV2']:
390 obj.source += [ 'lv2_plugin.cc', 'lv2_event_buffer.cc',
391 'uri_map.cc', 'rdff.c' ]
392 obj.uselib += ['SLV2','RASQAL']
394 if bld.env['VST_SUPPORT']:
395 obj.source += [ 'vst_plugin.cc', 'session_vst.cc' ]
396 obj.includes += [ '../fst' ]
397 obj.cxxflags += [ '-DVST_SUPPORT' ]
399 if bld.env['COREAUDIO']:
400 obj.source += [ 'coreaudiosource.cc', 'caimportable.cc' ]
401 obj.uselib_local += ['libappleutility']
402 obj.source += [ 'audio_unit.cc' ]
404 if bld.env['FPU_OPTIMIZATION']:
405 if (bld.env['build_target'] == 'i386'
406 or bld.env['build_target'] == 'i686'):
407 obj.source += [ 'sse_functions_xmm.cc', 'sse_functions.s' ]
408 elif bld.env['build_target'] == 'x86_64':
409 obj.source += [ 'sse_functions_xmm.cc', 'sse_functions_64bit.s' ]
411 # i18n
412 if bld.env['ENABLE_NLS']:
413 mo_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(bld.get_curdir(), 'po/*.mo'))
414 for mo in mo_files:
415 lang = os.path.basename(mo).replace('.mo', '')
416 bld.install_as(os.path.join(bld.env['PREFIX'], 'share', 'locale',
417 lang, 'LC_MESSAGES', APPNAME + '.mo'),
420 if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.env['HAVE_CPPUNIT']:
421 # Unit tests
422 testobj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'program')
423 testobj.source = '''
424 test/bbt_test.cpp
425 test/interpolation_test.cpp
426 test/midi_clock_slave_test.cpp
427 test/resampled_source.cc
428 test/mantis_3356.cc
429 test/testrunner.cpp
430 '''.split()
431 testobj.includes = obj.includes + ['test', '../pbd']
432 testobj.uselib = ['CPPUNIT','SIGCPP','JACK','GLIBMM','GTHREAD',
434 testobj.uselib_local = ['libpbd','libmidipp','libardour']
435 testobj.name = 'libardour-tests'
436 testobj.target = 'run-tests'
437 testobj.install_path = ''
438 testobj.defines = [
439 'PACKAGE="libardour3test"',
440 'DATA_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']) + '"',
441 'CONFIG_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['CONFIGDIR']) + '"',
442 'MODULE_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']) + '"',
443 'LOCALEDIR="' + os.path.join(
444 os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']), 'locale') + '"',
445 'VAMP_DIR="' + os.path.join(
446 os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']), 'ardour3', 'vamp') + '"'
448 if bld.env['FPU_OPTIMIZATION']:
449 testobj.source += [ 'sse_functions_xmm.cc' ]
450 if (bld.env['build_target'] == 'i386'
451 or bld.env['build_target'] == 'i686'):
452 testobj.source += [ 'sse_functions.s' ]
453 elif bld.env['build_target'] == 'x86_64':
454 testobj.source += [ 'sse_functions_64bit.s' ]
456 def shutdown():
457 autowaf.shutdown()
459 def i18n(bld):
460 autowaf.build_i18n (bld, '..', 'libs/ardour', APPNAME, libardour_sources)