fix math bug with numthreads computation
[ardour2.git] / gtk2_ardour / public_editor.h
1 /*
2 Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Paul Davis
4 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 (at your option) any later version.
9 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 GNU General Public License for more details.
14 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20 #ifndef __gtk_ardour_public_editor_h__
21 #define __gtk_ardour_public_editor_h__
23 #include <map>
25 #include <string>
26 #include <glib.h>
27 #include <gdk/gdktypes.h>
28 #include <gtkmm/box.h>
29 #include <gtkmm/window.h>
30 #include <gtkmm/actiongroup.h>
31 #include <jack/types.h>
32 #include <sigc++/signal.h>
34 #include "evoral/types.hpp"
35 #include "ardour/route_group.h"
37 #include "pbd/statefuldestructible.h"
39 #include "editing.h"
40 #include "canvas.h"
41 #include "selection.h"
43 namespace ARDOUR {
44 class Session;
45 class Region;
46 class Playlist;
47 class RouteGroup;
50 namespace Gtk {
51 class Container;
52 class Menu;
55 namespace Gtkmm2ext {
56 class TearOff;
59 class Editor;
60 class TimeAxisViewItem;
61 class TimeAxisView;
62 class PluginUIWindow;
63 class PluginSelector;
64 class PlaylistSelector;
65 class XMLNode;
66 class Selection;
67 class AutomationLine;
68 class ControlPoint;
69 class SelectionRect;
70 class CrossfadeView;
71 class RouteTimeAxisView;
72 class RegionView;
73 class AudioRegionView;
74 class TempoMarker;
75 class MeterMarker;
76 class Marker;
77 class AutomationTimeAxisView;
78 class MarkerTimeAxis;
79 class ImageFrameView;
80 class ImageFrameTimeAxis;
81 class MarkerView;
83 /// Representation of the interface of the Editor class
85 /** This class contains just the public interface of the Editor class,
86 * in order to decouple it from the private implementation, so that callers
87 * of PublicEditor need not be recompiled if private methods or member variables
88 * change.
90 class PublicEditor : public Gtk::Window, public PBD::StatefulDestructible {
91 public:
92 PublicEditor ();
93 virtual ~PublicEditor ();
95 /** @return Singleton PublicEditor instance */
96 static PublicEditor& instance () { return *_instance; }
98 virtual bool have_idled() const = 0;
99 virtual void first_idle() = 0;
101 virtual void setup_tooltips() = 0;
103 /** Attach this editor to a Session.
104 * @param s Session to connect to.
106 virtual void set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s) = 0;
108 /** @return The Session that we are editing, or 0 */
109 virtual ARDOUR::Session* session () const = 0;
111 /** Set the snap type.
112 * @param t Snap type (defined in editing_syms.h)
114 virtual void set_snap_to (Editing::SnapType t) = 0;
116 virtual Editing::SnapType snap_type () const = 0;
117 virtual Editing::SnapMode snap_mode () const = 0;
119 /** Set the snap mode.
120 * @param m Snap mode (defined in editing_syms.h)
122 virtual void set_snap_mode (Editing::SnapMode m) = 0;
124 /** Set the snap threshold.
125 * @param t Snap threshold in `units'.
127 virtual void set_snap_threshold (double t) = 0;
129 /** Snap a value according to the current snap setting. */
130 virtual void snap_to (nframes64_t& first, int32_t direction = 0, bool for_mark = false) = 0;
132 /** Undo some transactions.
133 * @param n Number of transactions to undo.
136 virtual void undo (uint32_t n = 1) = 0;
138 /** Redo some transactions.
139 * @param n Number of transaction to redo.
141 virtual void redo (uint32_t n = 1) = 0;
143 /** Set the mouse mode (gain, object, range, timefx etc.)
144 * @param m Mouse mode (defined in editing_syms.h)
145 * @param force Perform the effects of the change even if no change is required
146 * (ie even if the current mouse mode is equal to @param m)
148 virtual void set_mouse_mode (Editing::MouseMode m, bool force = false) = 0;
150 /** Step the mouse mode onto the next or previous one.
151 * @param next true to move to the next, otherwise move to the previous
153 virtual void step_mouse_mode (bool next) = 0;
155 /** @return The current mouse mode (gain, object, range, timefx etc.)
156 * (defined in editing_syms.h)
158 virtual Editing::MouseMode current_mouse_mode () const = 0;
160 /** Switch into a mode in which editing is primarily focused on "within" regions,
161 rather than regions as black-box objects. For Ardour3, this is aimed at
162 editing MIDI regions but may expand in the future to other types of regions.
165 virtual void set_internal_edit (bool yn) = 0;
167 /** @return Whether editing is currently in "internal" mode or not
170 virtual bool internal_editing() const = 0;
172 /** @return Sound edited notes in MIDI regions while editing
174 virtual bool sound_notes () const = 0;
176 /** Possibly start the audition of a region. If @param r is 0, or not an AudioRegion
177 * any current audition is cancelled. If we are currently auditioning @param r,
178 * the audition will be cancelled. Otherwise an audition of @param r will start.
179 * \param r Region to consider.
181 virtual void consider_auditioning (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Region> r) = 0;
183 virtual void new_region_from_selection () = 0;
184 virtual void separate_region_from_selection () = 0;
186 virtual void transition_to_rolling (bool fwd) = 0;
187 virtual nframes64_t unit_to_frame (double unit) const = 0;
188 // XXX remove me when libardour goes nframes64_t
189 double frame_to_unit (nframes_t frame) const {
190 return frame_to_unit ((nframes64_t) frame);
192 virtual double frame_to_unit (nframes64_t frame) const = 0;
193 virtual double frame_to_unit (double frame) const = 0;
194 virtual nframes64_t pixel_to_frame (double pixel) const = 0;
195 virtual gulong frame_to_pixel (nframes64_t frame) const = 0;
196 virtual Selection& get_selection () const = 0;
197 virtual Selection& get_cut_buffer () const = 0;
198 virtual bool extend_selection_to_track (TimeAxisView&) = 0;
199 virtual void play_selection () = 0;
200 virtual void set_show_measures (bool yn) = 0;
201 virtual bool show_measures () const = 0;
202 virtual bool redraw_measures () = 0;
204 /** Open main export dialog */
205 virtual void export_audio () = 0;
207 /** Open export dialog with current selection pre-selected */
208 virtual void export_selection () = 0;
210 /** Open export dialog with current range pre-selected */
211 virtual void export_range () = 0;
213 virtual void register_actions () = 0;
214 virtual void add_toplevel_controls (Gtk::Container&) = 0;
215 virtual void set_zoom_focus (Editing::ZoomFocus) = 0;
216 virtual Editing::ZoomFocus get_zoom_focus () const = 0;
217 virtual gdouble get_current_zoom () const = 0;
218 virtual PlaylistSelector& playlist_selector() const = 0;
219 virtual void clear_playlist (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Playlist>) = 0;
220 virtual void new_playlists (TimeAxisView*) = 0;
221 virtual void copy_playlists (TimeAxisView*) = 0;
222 virtual void clear_playlists (TimeAxisView*) = 0;
223 virtual void select_all_tracks () = 0;
224 virtual void set_selected_track (TimeAxisView&, Selection::Operation op = Selection::Set, bool no_remove = false) = 0;
225 virtual void set_selected_mixer_strip (TimeAxisView&) = 0;
226 virtual void hide_track_in_display (TimeAxisView* tv, bool temporary = false) = 0;
228 virtual void set_stationary_playhead (bool yn) = 0;
229 virtual void toggle_stationary_playhead () = 0;
230 virtual bool stationary_playhead() const = 0;
232 /** Set whether the editor should follow the playhead.
233 * @param yn true to follow playhead, otherwise false.
235 virtual void set_follow_playhead (bool yn) = 0;
237 /** Toggle whether the editor is following the playhead */
238 virtual void toggle_follow_playhead () = 0;
240 /** @return true if the editor is following the playhead */
241 virtual bool follow_playhead () const = 0;
243 /** @return true if the playhead is currently being dragged, otherwise false */
244 virtual bool dragging_playhead () const = 0;
245 virtual double get_physical_screen_width() const = 0;
246 virtual void ensure_float (Gtk::Window&) = 0;
247 virtual void show_window () = 0;
248 virtual nframes64_t leftmost_position() const = 0;
249 virtual nframes64_t current_page_frames() const = 0;
250 virtual void temporal_zoom_step (bool coarser) = 0;
251 virtual void scroll_tracks_down_line () = 0;
252 virtual void scroll_tracks_up_line () = 0;
253 virtual void prepare_for_cleanup () = 0;
254 virtual void finish_cleanup () = 0;
255 virtual void reset_x_origin (nframes64_t frame) = 0;
256 virtual void remove_last_capture () = 0;
257 virtual void maximise_editing_space () = 0;
258 virtual void restore_editing_space () = 0;
259 virtual nframes64_t get_preferred_edit_position (bool ignore_playhead = false) = 0;
260 virtual void toggle_meter_updating() = 0;
261 virtual void split_region_at_points (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Region>, ARDOUR::AnalysisFeatureList&, bool can_ferret) = 0;
262 virtual void mouse_add_new_marker (nframes64_t where, bool is_cd=false, bool is_xrun=false) = 0;
263 virtual void foreach_time_axis_view (sigc::slot<void,TimeAxisView&>) = 0;
264 virtual void add_to_idle_resize (TimeAxisView*, int32_t) = 0;
265 virtual nframes64_t get_nudge_distance (nframes64_t pos, nframes64_t& next) = 0;
266 virtual Evoral::MusicalTime get_grid_type_as_beats (bool& success, nframes64_t position) = 0;
268 #ifdef WITH_CMT
269 virtual void connect_to_image_compositor() = 0;
270 virtual void add_imageframe_time_axis(const std::string & track_name, void*) = 0;
271 virtual void add_imageframe_marker_time_axis(const std::string & track_name, TimeAxisView* marked_track, void*) = 0;
272 virtual void scroll_timeaxis_to_imageframe_item(const TimeAxisViewItem* item) = 0;
273 virtual TimeAxisView* get_named_time_axis(const std::string & name) = 0;
274 #endif
276 virtual RouteTimeAxisView* get_route_view_by_id (PBD::ID& id) = 0;
278 virtual void get_equivalent_regions (RegionView* rv, std::vector<RegionView*>&, PBD::PropertyID) const = 0;
280 sigc::signal<void> ZoomFocusChanged;
281 sigc::signal<void> ZoomChanged;
282 sigc::signal<void> Resized;
283 sigc::signal<void> Realized;
284 sigc::signal<void,nframes64_t> UpdateAllTransportClocks;
286 static sigc::signal<void> DropDownKeys;
288 Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ActionGroup> editor_actions;
290 virtual void reset_focus () = 0;
292 virtual bool canvas_control_point_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, ControlPoint*) = 0;
293 virtual bool canvas_line_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AutomationLine*) = 0;
294 virtual bool canvas_selection_rect_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, SelectionRect*) = 0;
295 virtual bool canvas_selection_start_trim_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, SelectionRect*) = 0;
296 virtual bool canvas_selection_end_trim_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, SelectionRect*) = 0;
297 virtual bool canvas_crossfade_view_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, CrossfadeView*) = 0;
298 virtual bool canvas_fade_in_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AudioRegionView*) = 0;
299 virtual bool canvas_fade_in_handle_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AudioRegionView*) = 0;
300 virtual bool canvas_fade_out_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AudioRegionView*) = 0;
301 virtual bool canvas_fade_out_handle_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AudioRegionView*) = 0;
302 virtual bool canvas_region_view_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RegionView*) = 0;
303 virtual bool canvas_frame_handle_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RegionView*) = 0;
304 virtual bool canvas_region_view_name_highlight_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RegionView*) = 0;
305 virtual bool canvas_region_view_name_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RegionView*) = 0;
306 virtual bool canvas_stream_view_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, RouteTimeAxisView*) = 0;
307 virtual bool canvas_marker_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, Marker*) = 0;
308 virtual bool canvas_zoom_rect_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0;
309 virtual bool canvas_tempo_marker_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, TempoMarker*) = 0;
310 virtual bool canvas_meter_marker_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, MeterMarker*) = 0;
311 virtual bool canvas_automation_track_event(GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*, AutomationTimeAxisView*) = 0;
313 virtual bool canvas_tempo_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0;
314 virtual bool canvas_meter_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0;
315 virtual bool canvas_marker_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0;
316 virtual bool canvas_range_marker_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0;
317 virtual bool canvas_transport_marker_bar_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0;
318 virtual bool canvas_note_event (GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*) = 0;
320 #ifdef WITH_CMT
321 virtual bool canvas_imageframe_item_view_event(GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*,ImageFrameView*) = 0;
322 virtual bool canvas_imageframe_view_event(GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*,ImageFrameTimeAxis*) = 0;
323 virtual bool canvas_imageframe_start_handle_event(GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*,ImageFrameView*) = 0;
324 virtual bool canvas_imageframe_end_handle_event(GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*,ImageFrameView*) = 0;
325 virtual bool canvas_marker_time_axis_view_event(GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*,MarkerTimeAxis*) = 0;
326 virtual bool canvas_markerview_item_view_event(GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*,MarkerView*) = 0;
327 virtual bool canvas_markerview_start_handle_event(GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*,MarkerView*) = 0;
328 virtual bool canvas_markerview_end_handle_event(GdkEvent* event, ArdourCanvas::Item*,MarkerView*) = 0;
329 #endif
331 static const int window_border_width;
332 static const int container_border_width;
333 static const int vertical_spacing;
334 static const int horizontal_spacing;
336 #ifdef TOP_MENUBAR
338 * This is needed for OS X primarily
339 * but also any other OS that uses a single
340 * top menubar instead of per window menus
342 virtual Gtk::HBox& get_status_bar_packer() = 0;
343 #endif
345 virtual gdouble get_trackview_group_vertical_offset () const = 0;
346 virtual gdouble get_canvas_timebars_vsize () const = 0;
347 virtual ArdourCanvas::Group* get_background_group () const = 0;
348 virtual ArdourCanvas::Group* get_trackview_group () const = 0;
350 virtual TimeAxisView* axis_view_from_route (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Route>) const = 0;
352 virtual void show_verbose_canvas_cursor_with (const std::string& txt) = 0;
353 virtual void hide_verbose_canvas_cursor() = 0;
355 virtual void center_screen (nframes64_t) = 0;
357 virtual TrackViewList axis_views_from_routes (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::RouteList>) const = 0;
358 virtual TrackViewList const & get_track_views () = 0;
360 virtual Gtkmm2ext::TearOff* mouse_mode_tearoff () const = 0;
361 virtual Gtkmm2ext::TearOff* tools_tearoff () const = 0;
363 /// Singleton instance, set up by Editor::Editor()
365 static PublicEditor* _instance;
367 friend bool relay_key_press (GdkEventKey*, Gtk::Window*);
368 friend bool forward_key_press (GdkEventKey*);
370 PBD::Signal0<void> SnapChanged;
373 #endif // __gtk_ardour_public_editor_h__