remove a bunch of uses of long (mostly replaced by int32_t)
[ardour2.git] / libs / ardour / ardour / route.h
1 /*
2 Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Paul Davis
4 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 (at your option) any later version.
9 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 GNU General Public License for more details.
14 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20 #ifndef __ardour_route_h__
21 #define __ardour_route_h__
23 #include <cmath>
24 #include <cstring>
25 #include <list>
26 #include <map>
27 #include <set>
28 #include <string>
30 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
31 #include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
33 #include <glibmm/thread.h>
34 #include "pbd/fastlog.h"
35 #include "pbd/xml++.h"
36 #include "pbd/undo.h"
37 #include "pbd/stateful.h"
38 #include "pbd/controllable.h"
39 #include "pbd/destructible.h"
41 #include "ardour/ardour.h"
42 #include "ardour/io.h"
43 #include "ardour/types.h"
44 #include "ardour/mute_master.h"
45 #include "ardour/route_group_member.h"
46 #include "ardour/graphnode.h"
47 #include "ardour/automatable.h"
49 namespace ARDOUR {
51 class Amp;
52 class Delivery;
53 class IOProcessor;
54 class Panner;
55 class Processor;
56 class RouteGroup;
57 class Send;
58 class InternalReturn;
59 class MonitorProcessor;
61 class Route : public SessionObject, public Automatable, public RouteGroupMember, public GraphNode
63 public:
65 typedef std::list<boost::shared_ptr<Processor> > ProcessorList;
67 enum Flag {
68 Hidden = 0x1,
69 MasterOut = 0x2,
70 MonitorOut = 0x4
73 Route (Session&, std::string name, Flag flags = Flag(0), DataType default_type = DataType::AUDIO);
74 virtual ~Route();
76 virtual int init ();
78 boost::shared_ptr<IO> input() const { return _input; }
79 boost::shared_ptr<IO> output() const { return _output; }
81 ChanCount n_inputs() const { return _input->n_ports(); }
82 ChanCount n_outputs() const { return _output->n_ports(); }
84 bool active() const { return _active; }
85 void set_active (bool yn);
87 static std::string ensure_track_or_route_name(std::string, Session &);
89 std::string comment() { return _comment; }
90 void set_comment (std::string str, void *src);
92 bool set_name (const std::string& str);
94 int32_t order_key (std::string const &) const;
95 void set_order_key (std::string const &, int32_t);
97 bool is_hidden() const { return _flags & Hidden; }
98 bool is_master() const { return _flags & MasterOut; }
99 bool is_monitor() const { return _flags & MonitorOut; }
101 /* these are the core of the API of a Route. see the protected sections as well */
103 virtual int roll (nframes_t nframes, sframes_t start_frame, sframes_t end_frame,
104 int declick, bool can_record, bool rec_monitors_input, bool& need_butler);
106 virtual int no_roll (nframes_t nframes, sframes_t start_frame, sframes_t end_frame,
107 bool state_changing, bool can_record, bool rec_monitors_input);
109 virtual int silent_roll (nframes_t nframes, sframes_t start_frame, sframes_t end_frame,
110 bool can_record, bool rec_monitors_input, bool& need_butler);
112 virtual void toggle_monitor_input ();
113 virtual bool can_record() { return false; }
115 virtual void set_record_enable (bool /*yn*/, void * /*src*/) {}
116 virtual bool record_enabled() const { return false; }
117 virtual void handle_transport_stopped (bool abort, bool did_locate, bool flush_processors);
118 virtual void set_pending_declick (int);
120 /* end of vfunc-based API */
122 void shift (nframes64_t, nframes64_t);
124 void set_gain (gain_t val, void *src);
125 void inc_gain (gain_t delta, void *src);
127 void set_mute_points (MuteMaster::MutePoint);
128 MuteMaster::MutePoint mute_points () const;
130 bool muted () const;
131 void set_mute (bool yn, void* src);
133 /* controls use set_solo() to modify this route's solo state
136 void set_solo (bool yn, void *src);
137 bool soloed () const { return self_soloed () || soloed_by_others (); }
139 bool soloed_by_others () const { return _soloed_by_others_upstream||_soloed_by_others_downstream; }
140 bool soloed_by_others_upstream () const { return _soloed_by_others_upstream; }
141 bool soloed_by_others_downstream () const { return _soloed_by_others_downstream; }
142 bool self_soloed () const { return _self_solo; }
144 void set_solo_isolated (bool yn, void *src);
145 bool solo_isolated() const;
147 void set_solo_safe (bool yn, void *src);
148 bool solo_safe() const;
150 void set_listen (bool yn, void* src);
151 bool listening () const;
153 void set_phase_invert (bool yn);
154 bool phase_invert() const;
156 void set_denormal_protection (bool yn);
157 bool denormal_protection() const;
159 void set_meter_point (MeterPoint);
160 void infer_meter_point () const;
161 MeterPoint meter_point() const { return _meter_point; }
162 void meter ();
164 /* Processors */
166 boost::shared_ptr<Amp> amp() const { return _amp; }
167 PeakMeter& peak_meter() { return *_meter.get(); }
168 const PeakMeter& peak_meter() const { return *_meter.get(); }
169 boost::shared_ptr<PeakMeter> shared_peak_meter() const { return _meter; }
171 void flush_processors ();
173 void foreach_processor (boost::function<void(boost::weak_ptr<Processor>)> method) {
174 Glib::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_processor_lock);
175 for (ProcessorList::iterator i = _processors.begin(); i != _processors.end(); ++i) {
176 method (boost::weak_ptr<Processor> (*i));
180 boost::shared_ptr<Processor> nth_processor (uint32_t n) {
181 Glib::RWLock::ReaderLock lm (_processor_lock);
182 ProcessorList::iterator i;
183 for (i = _processors.begin(); i != _processors.end() && n; ++i, --n) {}
184 if (i == _processors.end()) {
185 return boost::shared_ptr<Processor> ();
186 } else {
187 return *i;
191 boost::shared_ptr<Processor> nth_plugin (uint32_t n);
192 boost::shared_ptr<Processor> nth_send (uint32_t n);
194 bool processor_is_prefader (boost::shared_ptr<Processor> p);
196 bool has_io_processor_named (const std::string&);
197 ChanCount max_processor_streams () const { return processor_max_streams; }
199 /* special processors */
201 boost::shared_ptr<Delivery> monitor_send() const { return _monitor_send; }
202 boost::shared_ptr<Delivery> main_outs() const { return _main_outs; }
203 boost::shared_ptr<InternalReturn> internal_return() const { return _intreturn; }
204 boost::shared_ptr<MonitorProcessor> monitor_control() const { return _monitor_control; }
205 boost::shared_ptr<Send> internal_send_for (boost::shared_ptr<const Route> target) const;
206 void add_internal_return ();
207 BufferSet* get_return_buffer () const;
208 void release_return_buffer () const;
209 void put_monitor_send_at (Placement);
211 /** A record of the stream configuration at some point in the processor list.
212 * Used to return where and why an processor list configuration request failed.
214 struct ProcessorStreams {
215 ProcessorStreams(size_t i=0, ChanCount c=ChanCount()) : index(i), count(c) {}
217 uint32_t index; ///< Index of processor where configuration failed
218 ChanCount count; ///< Input requested of processor
221 int add_processor (boost::shared_ptr<Processor>, Placement placement, ProcessorStreams* err = 0);
222 int add_processor (boost::shared_ptr<Processor>, ProcessorList::iterator iter, ProcessorStreams* err = 0, bool activation_allowed = true);
223 int add_processors (const ProcessorList&, boost::shared_ptr<Processor> before, ProcessorStreams* err = 0);
224 int add_processors (const ProcessorList&, ProcessorList::iterator iter, ProcessorStreams* err = 0);
225 int remove_processor (boost::shared_ptr<Processor>, ProcessorStreams* err = 0);
226 int remove_processors (const ProcessorList&, ProcessorStreams* err = 0);
227 int reorder_processors (const ProcessorList& new_order, ProcessorStreams* err = 0);
228 void disable_processors (Placement);
229 void disable_processors ();
230 void disable_plugins (Placement);
231 void disable_plugins ();
232 void ab_plugins (bool forward);
233 void clear_processors (Placement);
234 void all_processors_flip();
235 void all_processors_active (Placement, bool state);
237 virtual nframes_t update_total_latency();
238 void set_latency_delay (nframes_t);
239 void set_user_latency (nframes_t);
240 nframes_t initial_delay() const { return _initial_delay; }
242 PBD::Signal0<void> active_changed;
243 PBD::Signal0<void> phase_invert_changed;
244 PBD::Signal0<void> denormal_protection_changed;
245 PBD::Signal1<void,void*> listen_changed;
246 PBD::Signal2<void,bool,void*> solo_changed;
247 PBD::Signal1<void,void*> solo_safe_changed;
248 PBD::Signal1<void,void*> solo_isolated_changed;
249 PBD::Signal1<void,void*> comment_changed;
250 PBD::Signal1<void,void*> mute_changed;
251 PBD::Signal0<void> mute_points_changed;
253 /** the processors have changed; the parameter indicates what changed */
254 PBD::Signal1<void,RouteProcessorChange> processors_changed;
255 PBD::Signal1<void,void*> record_enable_changed;
256 /** the metering point has changed */
257 PBD::Signal0<void> meter_change;
258 PBD::Signal0<void> signal_latency_changed;
259 PBD::Signal0<void> initial_delay_changed;
260 PBD::Signal0<void> order_key_changed;
262 /* gui's call this for their own purposes. */
264 PBD::Signal2<void,std::string,void*> gui_changed;
266 /* stateful */
268 XMLNode& get_state();
269 int set_state (const XMLNode&, int version);
270 virtual XMLNode& get_template();
272 XMLNode& get_processor_state ();
273 virtual void set_processor_state (const XMLNode&);
275 int save_as_template (const std::string& path, const std::string& name);
277 PBD::Signal1<void,void*> SelectedChanged;
279 int listen_via (boost::shared_ptr<Route>, Placement p, bool active, bool aux);
280 void drop_listen (boost::shared_ptr<Route>);
282 /**
283 * return true if this route feeds the first argument via at least one
284 * (arbitrarily long) signal pathway.
286 bool feeds (boost::shared_ptr<Route>, bool* via_send_only = 0);
288 /**
289 * return true if this route feeds the first argument directly, via
290 * either its main outs or a send.
292 bool direct_feeds (boost::shared_ptr<Route>, bool* via_send_only = 0);
294 struct FeedRecord {
295 boost::weak_ptr<Route> r;
296 bool sends_only;
298 FeedRecord (boost::shared_ptr<Route> rp, bool sendsonly)
299 : r (rp)
300 , sends_only (sendsonly) {}
303 struct FeedRecordCompare {
304 bool operator() (const FeedRecord& a, const FeedRecord& b) const {
305 return a.r < b.r;
309 typedef std::set<FeedRecord,FeedRecordCompare> FedBy;
311 const FedBy& fed_by() const { return _fed_by; }
312 void clear_fed_by ();
313 bool add_fed_by (boost::shared_ptr<Route>, bool sends_only);
314 bool not_fed() const { return _fed_by.empty(); }
316 /* Controls (not all directly owned by the Route */
318 boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> get_control (const Evoral::Parameter& param);
320 struct SoloControllable : public AutomationControl {
321 SoloControllable (std::string name, Route&);
322 void set_value (float);
323 float get_value (void) const;
325 Route& route;
328 struct MuteControllable : public AutomationControl {
329 MuteControllable (std::string name, Route&);
330 void set_value (float);
331 float get_value (void) const;
333 Route& route;
336 boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> solo_control() const {
337 return _solo_control;
340 boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> mute_control() const {
341 return _mute_control;
344 boost::shared_ptr<MuteMaster> mute_master() const {
345 return _mute_master;
348 /* Route doesn't own these items, but sub-objects that it does own have them
349 and to make UI code a bit simpler, we provide direct access to them
350 here.
353 boost::shared_ptr<Panner> panner() const;
354 boost::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> gain_control() const;
356 void automation_snapshot (nframes_t now, bool force=false);
357 void protect_automation ();
359 void set_remote_control_id (uint32_t id, bool notify_class_listeners = true);
360 uint32_t remote_control_id () const;
362 /* for things concerned about *this* route's RID */
364 PBD::Signal0<void> RemoteControlIDChanged;
366 /* for things concerned about any route's RID changes */
368 static PBD::Signal0<void> RemoteControlIDChange;
370 void sync_order_keys (std::string const &);
371 static PBD::Signal1<void,std::string const &> SyncOrderKeys;
373 protected:
374 friend class Session;
376 void catch_up_on_solo_mute_override ();
377 void mod_solo_by_others_upstream (int32_t);
378 void mod_solo_by_others_downstream (int32_t);
379 bool has_external_redirects() const;
380 void curve_reallocate ();
381 void just_meter_input (sframes_t start_frame, sframes_t end_frame, nframes_t nframes);
382 virtual void set_block_size (nframes_t nframes);
384 protected:
385 nframes_t check_initial_delay (nframes_t, nframes_t&);
387 void passthru (sframes_t start_frame, sframes_t end_frame,
388 nframes_t nframes, int declick);
390 virtual void write_out_of_band_data (BufferSet& /* bufs */, sframes_t /* start_frame */, sframes_t /* end_frame */,
391 nframes_t /* nframes */) {}
393 virtual void process_output_buffers (BufferSet& bufs,
394 sframes_t start_frame, sframes_t end_frame,
395 nframes_t nframes, bool with_processors, int declick);
397 boost::shared_ptr<IO> _input;
398 boost::shared_ptr<IO> _output;
400 bool _active;
401 nframes_t _initial_delay;
402 nframes_t _roll_delay;
404 ProcessorList _processors;
405 mutable Glib::RWLock _processor_lock;
406 boost::shared_ptr<Delivery> _main_outs;
407 boost::shared_ptr<Delivery> _monitor_send;
408 boost::shared_ptr<InternalReturn> _intreturn;
409 boost::shared_ptr<MonitorProcessor> _monitor_control;
411 Flag _flags;
412 int _pending_declick;
413 MeterPoint _meter_point;
414 uint32_t _phase_invert;
415 bool _self_solo;
416 uint32_t _soloed_by_others_upstream;
417 uint32_t _soloed_by_others_downstream;
418 uint32_t _solo_isolated;
420 bool _denormal_protection;
422 bool _recordable : 1;
423 bool _silent : 1;
424 bool _declickable : 1;
426 boost::shared_ptr<SoloControllable> _solo_control;
427 boost::shared_ptr<MuteControllable> _mute_control;
428 boost::shared_ptr<MuteMaster> _mute_master;
430 std::string _comment;
431 bool _have_internal_generator;
432 bool _solo_safe;
433 DataType _default_type;
434 FedBy _fed_by;
436 virtual ChanCount input_streams () const;
438 protected:
439 virtual XMLNode& state(bool);
441 int configure_processors (ProcessorStreams*);
443 void passthru_silence (sframes_t start_frame, sframes_t end_frame,
444 nframes_t nframes, int declick);
446 void silence (nframes_t);
447 void silence_unlocked (nframes_t);
449 ChanCount processor_max_streams;
450 uint32_t _remote_control_id;
452 uint32_t pans_required() const;
453 ChanCount n_process_buffers ();
455 virtual int _set_state (const XMLNode&, int, bool call_base);
457 boost::shared_ptr<Amp> _amp;
458 boost::shared_ptr<PeakMeter> _meter;
460 private:
461 int _set_state_2X (const XMLNode&, int);
462 void set_processor_state_2X (XMLNodeList const &, int);
464 static uint32_t order_key_cnt;
466 typedef std::map<std::string, long> OrderKeys;
467 OrderKeys order_keys;
469 void input_change_handler (IOChange, void *src);
470 void output_change_handler (IOChange, void *src);
472 bool _in_configure_processors;
474 int configure_processors_unlocked (ProcessorStreams*);
476 bool add_processor_from_xml (const XMLNode&, ProcessorList::iterator iter);
477 bool add_processor_from_xml_2X (const XMLNode&, int, ProcessorList::iterator iter);
479 void placement_range (Placement p, ProcessorList::iterator& start, ProcessorList::iterator& end);
481 void set_self_solo (bool yn);
482 void set_mute_master_solo ();
484 void set_processor_positions ();
487 } // namespace ARDOUR
489 #endif /* __ardour_route_h__ */