Minor bug fix
[archive-zip.git] / t / common.pl
1 # Shared defs for test programs
3 # Paths. Must make case-insensitive.
4 use constant TESTDIR => 'testdir';
5 use constant INPUTZIP => 'testin.zip';
6 use constant OUTPUTZIP => 'testout.zip';
8 use constant ZIP => 'zip ';
9 use constant ZIPTEST => 'unzip -t ';
11 # 300-character test string
12 use constant TESTSTRING => join ( "\n", 1 .. 102 ) . "\n";
13 use constant TESTSTRINGLENGTH => length(TESTSTRING);
15 # CRC-32 should be ac373f32
16 use constant TESTSTRINGCRC => Archive::Zip::computeCRC32(TESTSTRING);
18 # This is so that it will work on other systems.
19 use constant CAT => $^X . ' -pe "BEGIN{binmode(STDIN);binmode(STDOUT)}"';
20 use constant CATPIPE => '| ' . CAT . ' >';
22 use vars qw($zipWorks $testZipDoesntWork $catWorks);
23 local ( $zipWorks, $testZipDoesntWork, $catWorks );
25 # Run ZIPTEST to test a zip file.
26 sub testZip
28 my $zipName = shift || OUTPUTZIP;
29 if ($testZipDoesntWork)
31 return wantarray ? ( 0, '' ) : 0;
33 my $cmd = ZIPTEST . $zipName . ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '' : ' 2>&1' );
34 my $zipout = `$cmd`;
35 return wantarray ? ( $?, $zipout ) : $?;
38 # Return the crc-32 of the given file (0 if empty or error)
39 sub fileCRC
41 my $fileName = shift;
42 local $/ = undef;
43 my $fh = IO::File->new( $fileName, "r" );
44 binmode($fh);
45 return 0 if not defined($fh);
46 my $contents = <$fh>;
47 return Archive::Zip::computeCRC32($contents);
50 #--------- check to see if cat works
52 sub testCat
54 my $fh = IO::File->new( CATPIPE . OUTPUTZIP );
55 binmode($fh);
56 my $testString = pack( 'C256', 0 .. 255 );
57 my $testCrc = Archive::Zip::computeCRC32($testString);
58 $fh->write( $testString, length($testString) ) or return 0;
59 $fh->close();
60 ( -f OUTPUTZIP ) or return 0;
61 my @stat = stat(OUTPUTZIP);
62 $stat[7] == length($testString) or return 0;
63 fileCRC(OUTPUTZIP) == $testCrc or return 0;
64 unlink(OUTPUTZIP);
65 return 1;
70 $catWorks = testCat();
71 warn( 'warning: ', CAT, " doesn't seem to work, may skip some tests" )
72 if !$catWorks;
75 #--------- check to see if zip works (and make INPUTZIP)
79 unlink(INPUTZIP);
80 my $cmd = ZIP . INPUTZIP . ' *' . ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '' : ' 2>&1' );
81 my $zipout = `$cmd`;
82 $zipWorks = not $?;
83 warn( 'warning: ', ZIP, " doesn't seem to work, may skip some tests" )
84 if not $zipWorks;
87 #--------- check to see if unzip -t works
91 $testZipDoesntWork = 0;
92 my ( $status, $zipout ) = testZip(INPUTZIP);
93 $testZipDoesntWork = $status;
94 warn( 'warning: ', ZIPTEST, " doesn't seem to work, may skip some tests" )
95 if $testZipDoesntWork;