pod update
[app-cpan2pkg.git] / lib / App / CPAN2Pkg.pm
2 # This file is part of App::CPAN2Pkg.
3 # Copyright (c) 2009 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.
5 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 # it under the same terms as Perl itself.
10 package App::CPAN2Pkg;
12 use strict;
13 use warnings;
15 use App::CPAN2Pkg::Module;
16 use Class::XSAccessor
17 constructor => '_new',
18 accessors => {
19 _complete => '_complete',
20 _missing => '_missing',
21 _module => '_module',
22 _prereq => '_prereq',
24 use POE;
26 our $VERSION = '0.4.1';
28 sub spawn {
29 my ($class, $opts) = @_;
31 # create the heap object
32 my $obj = App::CPAN2Pkg->_new(
33 _complete => {},
34 _missing => {}, # hoh: {a}{b}=1 mod a needs b
35 _module => {}, # {name}=obj store the objects
36 _prereq => {}, # hoh: {a}{b}=1 mod a is a prereq of b
39 # create the main session
40 my $session = POE::Session->create(
41 inline_states => {
42 # public events
43 cpan2dist_status => \&cpan2dist_status,
44 upstream_status => \&upstream_status,
45 local_install => \&local_install,
46 local_status => \&local_status,
47 module_spawned => \&module_spawned,
48 package => \&package,
49 prereqs => \&prereqs,
50 upstream_import => \&upstream_import,
51 upstream_install => \&upstream_install,
52 # poe inline states
53 _start => \&_start,
54 #_stop => sub { warn "stop app\n"; },
56 args => $opts,
57 heap => $obj,
59 return $session->ID;
64 #--
65 # SUBS
68 # if ( not available in cooker ) is_in_dist
69 # then
70 # compute dependencies find_prereqs
71 # repeat with each dep
72 # cpan2dist cpan2dist
73 # install local install_from_local
74 # while ( not available locally ) is_installed
75 # do
76 # prompt user to fix manually
77 # done
78 # import import_local_to_dist
79 # submit (included above)
80 # ack available (manual?)
82 # else
83 # urpmi --auto perl(module::to::install) install_from_dist
84 # fi
86 # -- public events
88 sub cpan2dist_status {
89 my ($k, $h, $module, $status) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
90 # FIXME: what if $status is false
92 $k->post($module, 'install_from_local');
96 sub local_install {
97 my ($k, $h, $module, $success) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
99 if ( not $success ) {
100 # module has not been installed locally.
101 # FIXME: ask user
102 return;
105 # module has been installed locally.
106 $k->post('ui', 'module_available', $module);
108 # module available: nothing depends on it anymore.
109 my $name = $module->name;
110 $h->_complete->{$name} = 1;
111 my $depends = delete $h->_prereq->{$name};
112 my @depends = keys %$depends;
114 # update all modules that were depending on it
115 my $missing = $h->_missing;
116 foreach my $m ( @depends ) {
117 # remove dependency on module
118 my $mobj = $h->_module->{$m};
119 my $missed = $missing->{$m};
120 delete $missed->{$name};
121 $k->post('ui', 'prereqs', $mobj, keys %$missed);
123 if ( scalar keys %$missed == 0 ) {
124 # huzzah! no more missing prereqs - let's create a
125 # native package for it.
126 $k->post($mobj, 'cpan2dist');
130 $k->post($module, 'import_upstream');
134 sub local_status {
135 my ($k, $h, $module, $is_installed) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
137 if ( not $is_installed ) {
138 # module is not installed locally, check if
139 # it's available upstream.
140 $k->post($module, 'is_in_dist');
141 return;
144 # module is already installed locally.
145 $k->post('ui', 'module_available', $module);
146 $k->post('ui', 'prereqs', $module);
148 # module available: nothing depends on it anymore.
149 my $name = $module->name;
150 $h->_complete->{$name} = 1;
151 my $depends = delete $h->_prereq->{$name};
152 my @depends = keys %$depends;
154 # update all modules that were depending on it
155 my $missing = $h->_missing;
156 foreach my $m ( @depends ) {
157 # remove dependency on module
158 my $mobj = $h->_module->{$m};
159 my $missed = $missing->{$m};
160 delete $missed->{$name};
161 $k->post('ui', 'prereqs', $mobj, keys %$missed);
163 if ( scalar keys %$missed == 0 ) {
164 # huzzah! no more missing prereqs - let's create a
165 # native package for it.
166 $k->post($mobj, 'cpan2dist');
171 sub module_spawned {
172 my ($k, $h, $module) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
173 my $name = $module->name;
174 $h->_module->{$name} = $module;
175 $k->post($module, 'is_installed');
178 sub package {
179 my ($k, $h, $module) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
180 App::CPAN2Pkg::Module->spawn($module);
183 sub prereqs {
184 my ($k, $h, $module, @prereqs) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0..$#_];
186 my @missing;
187 foreach my $m ( @prereqs ) {
188 # check if module is new. in which case, let's treat it.
189 $k->yield('package', $m) unless exists $h->_module->{$m};
191 # store missing module.
192 push @missing, $m unless exists $h->_complete->{$m};
195 $k->post('ui', 'prereqs', $module, @missing);
196 if ( @missing ) {
197 # module misses some prereqs - wait for them.
198 my $name = $module->name;
199 $h->_missing->{$name}{$_} = 1 for @missing;
200 $h->_prereq->{$_}{$name} = 1 for @missing;
202 } else {
203 # no prereqs, move on
204 $k->post($module, 'cpan2dist');
205 return;
209 sub upstream_install {
210 my ($k, $module, $success) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1];
211 #$h->_complete->{$name} = 1;
212 #FIXME: update prereqs
216 sub upstream_import {
217 my ($k, $module, $success) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1];
218 #FIXME: what if wrong
219 $k->post($module, 'build_upstream');
223 sub upstream_status {
224 my ($k, $module, $is_available) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1];
225 my $event = $is_available ? 'install_from_dist' : 'find_prereqs';
226 $k->post($module, $event);
230 # -- poe inline states
232 sub _start {
233 my ($k, $opts) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0];
234 $k->alias_set('app');
236 # start packaging some modules
237 my $modules = $opts->{modules};
238 $k->yield('package', $_) for @$modules;
243 __END__
245 =head1 NAME
247 App::CPAN2Pkg - generating native linux packages from cpan
251 =head1 SYNOPSIS
253 $ cpan2pkg
254 $ cpan2pkg Module::Foo Module::Bar ...
258 =head1 DESCRIPTION
260 Don't use this module directly, refer to the C<cpan2pkg> script instead.
262 C<App::CPAN2Pkg> is the controller for the C<cpan2pkg> application. It
263 implements a POE session, responsible to schedule and advance module
264 packagement.
266 It is spawned by the poe session responsible for the user interface.
272 =head2 my $id = App::CPAN2Pkg->spawn( \%params )
274 This method will create a POE session responsible for coordinating the
275 package(s) creation.
277 It will return the POE id of the session newly created.
279 You can tune the session by passing some arguments as a hash
280 reference, where the hash keys are:
282 =over 4
284 =item * modules => \@list_of_modules
286 A list of modules to start packaging.
289 =back
295 The following events are the module's API.
298 =head2 cpan2dist_status( $module, $success )
300 Sent when C<$module> has been C<cpan2dist>-ed, with C<$success> being true
301 if everything went fine.
304 =head2 local_install( $module, $success )
306 Sent when C<$module> has been installed locally, with C<$success> return value.
309 =head2 local_status( $module, $is_installed )
311 Sent when C<$module> knows whether it is installed locally (C<$is_installed>
312 set to true) or not.
315 =head2 module_spawned( $module )
317 Sent when C<$module> has been spawned successfully.
320 =head2 package( $module )
322 Request the application to package (if needed) the perl C<$module>. Note
323 that the module can be either the top-most module of a distribution or
324 deep inside said distribution.
327 =head2 prereqs( $module, @prereqs )
329 Inform main application that C<$module> needs some C<@prereqs> (possibly
330 empty).
333 =head2 upstream_import( $module, $success )
335 Sent when C<$module> package has been imported in upstream repository.
338 =head2 upstream_install( $module, $success )
340 Sent after trying to install C<$module> from upstream dist. Result is passed
341 along with C<$success>.
344 =head2 upstream_status( $module, $is_available )
346 Sent when C<$module> knows whether it is available upstream (C<$is_available>
347 set to true) or not.
351 =head1 BUGS
353 Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<app-cpan2pkg at
354 rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
355 L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=App-CPAN2Pkg>. I will
356 be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
357 your bug as I make changes.
361 =head1 SEE ALSO
363 Our git repository is located at L<git://repo.or.cz/app-cpan2pkg.git>,
364 and can be browsed at L<http://repo.or.cz/w/app-cpan2pkg.git>.
367 You can also look for information on this module at:
369 =over 4
371 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
373 L<http://annocpan.org/dist/App-CPAN2Pkg>
375 =item * CPAN Ratings
377 L<http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/App-CPAN2Pkg>
379 =item * Open bugs
381 L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=App-CPAN2Pkg>
383 =back
387 =head1 AUTHOR
389 Jerome Quelin, C<< <jquelin@cpan.org> >>
395 Copyright (c) 2009 Jerome Quelin, all rights reserved.
397 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
398 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
400 =cut